Best Of Web

Best Of Web on includes video playlists, RSS feeds, speeches and much more that help people understand conservatism.

LifeSite News: Faith & Reason

Faith & Reason

Faith & Reason will tackle the biggest current events pertaining to U.S. and Canadian politics, global affairs, the Vatican, Pope Francis, and much more. 
Media Research Center: mrcNewsBusters

Media Research Center: mrcNewsBusters Articles

The mission of the Media Research Center is to document and combat the falsehoods and censorship of the news media, entertainment media and Big...

Remarks by President Trump to Troops at Bagram Airfield | Bagram, Afghanistan

On a surprise visit to Afghanistan, President Donald Trump thanked U.S. and Afghan troops for the work they are doing, saying the reason the...

Ronald Reagan’s Address to the Nation on Federal Tax and Budget Reconciliation Legislation

President Ronald Reagan gave his Address to the Nation on Federal Tax and Budget Reconciliation Legislation on August 16, 1982. My fellow Americans: There's an old...

Ronald Reagan’s Remarks Marking the 40th Anniversary of the Warsaw Uprising

Remarks at a White House Luncheon Marking the 40th Anniversary of the Warsaw Uprising August 17, 1984 - The President. Your Eminence and members of the...

President Ronald Reagan’s Best Debate Moments

President Ronald Reagan's best debate moments will make you laugh as well as make you think, and these moments show why made Americans voted...

Video Playlist: Trending NOW on EpochTV

EpochTV streaming platform from The Epoch Times covers investigative news analysis, in-depth interviews, award-winning documentaries, and lifestyle and entertainment

President Donald Trump: America First UN Speech

United Nations HeadquartersNew York, New York September 24, 2019 10:12 A.M. EDT PRESIDENT TRUMP: Thank you very much. Mr. President, Mr. Secretary-General, distinguished delegates, ambassadors,...

1980 Presidential Candidate Debate: Governor Ronald Reagan and President Jimmy Carter – 10/28/80

The full-length 1980 Presidential Candidate Debate between Governor Ronald Reagan and President Jimmy Carter on October 28, 1980.

Trump speaks at the 2019 National Prayer Breakfast

President Trump delivers remarks at the 2019 National Prayer Breakfast. Vice President Pence and the Second Lady, Melania Trump attend.

Liberty University Commencement 2019 – Vice President Mike Pence

On May 11, 2019, Vice President Mike Pence addressed the graduating class of Liberty University with their 46th commencement held at Williams Stadium in...

Remarks by Vice President Pence and others at the Wisconsin School Choice Student Showcase

On January 28, 2020, the National School Choice Week's official flagship event for Wisconsin takes place at the state Capitol. Vice President Mike Pence...