Biden ends first year as president with ‘bleak, discouraging’ marks from the public

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In a new NBC News poll, Americans give Biden low marks on overall job approval, the pandemic and the economy as he reaches the one-year mark.

WASHINGTON — In his inaugural address one year ago, President Joe Biden championed unity, promised a bold governing agenda and prioritized defeating the coronavirus.

Now, as Biden begins his second year as president, majorities of Americans give him low marks for uniting the country, being competent and having the ability to handle a crisis, according to results from a new national NBC News poll.

What’s more, 6 in 10 disapprove of Biden’s handling of the economy, while more than half give him a thumbs-down on dealing with the coronavirus pandemic.

His overall job rating among adults stands at 43 percent approve and 54 percent disapprove — unchanged in essence from October’s survey. (Among registered voters, it is 44 percent approve, 54 percent disapprove.)

But it’s the numbers beneath Biden’s approval rating that paint a grim picture for the White House, say the bipartisan team of pollsters who conduct the NBC News survey.

President Biden's job approval throughout his first year

Biden’s standing among key parts of the Democratic base has eroded while just 15 percent of Americans strongly approve of his job performance, compared to 43 percent who strongly disapprove, and only 5 percent believe his presidency has been better than expected.

“This poll would have to be described as bleak, discouraging and truly terrible,” said Republican pollster Bill McInturff of Public Opinion Strategies.

Added Democratic pollster Jeff Horwitt of Hart Research Associates: “A year into his presidency, Joe Biden’s standing with the American people is diminished, and he is a smaller figure than he was when he entered the White House.”

By Mark Murray

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NBC News Survey Biden January 14-18, 2022 PDF


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