Biden Got the Message, But Harris is the Left’s Puppet

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It’s official! Biden has decided (perhaps acquiesced is a better term) to call it quits, and Kamala was promptly endorsed. If it sounds too easy, too programmed, that’s because it likely was. Someone in the Democratic Party (or its donor stable) is calling the shots, and true to the way things work in the “Beltway” – they have their own version of democracy – the “big” guys throw the “little” guys out. And that is how the Democratic nominee for president will be chosen, way before the August DNC.

I wrote a piece just a few days ago, “Too Many Unanswered Questions,” after the attempt on former President Trump’s life and the fiasco which continues regarding the abject failure of the US Secret Service. Well, there are now two more questions which need answering.

  1. Why did this (Biden suddenly deciding not to run) happen the way it did?
  1. Did the attempt on former President Trump’s life have any bearing on the answer to the first question?

There are several scenarios that could be operative here. Let’s define the facts and circumstances already evident.

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First, one thing is certain, there is a visceral contempt for Trump (some say hate) by those on the Far Left, Hollywood crowd, Deep State, the Right and Left Establishment, Military Industrial Complex, FBI, CIA and Justice. (Barring Hollywood, I think that is the “Swamp.”)

Second, Biden was lagging in the polls, and it was getting worse.

Third, the president’s performance in the debate was not only abysmal, but obviously so.

Fourth, President Biden’s seeming cognitive decline had become readily apparent.

Fifth, Biden’s friends, family, savvy politicos and Democratic Party financiers prevailed upon him to “do the right thing for the good of the party and the American people.”

It would seem to most that the above facts constitute sufficient grounds for the president not to run in November. And perhaps that’s just what occurred, without further convincing or cajoling. But one additional fact remains unaddressed – the attempted assassination of former President Donald Trump – who just happens to be running for the same office as Mr. Biden. And by all indications was doing well in that effort.

Given what we know happened on that nearly fateful Saturday, July 13th in Butler, PA., consider what transpired up to today, Sunday, July 21st. Former President Trump was not killed in the attempt on his life. And, today, Biden announced he will not seek a second term. Why? The five noted facts by themselves, we said most people would agree, were sufficient to cause Biden’s decision to quit. Given that the former president was injured in the assault, could this mean the Democratic Party believed that the American people would feel sympathy for the former president? Could it also mean the Democratic Party believed these same voters were beginning to see through the sham trials and specious mantra of the modern liberal media, and would point an accusing finger at their man in the White House? Well, perhaps. But consider a different scenario – one that, thank God, didn’t come to pass.

What if the worst happened – and former president Trump had actually been assassinated? Would we still be talking today about Kamala Harris or someone else in the White House? This writer doesn’t think so.

With Trump literally out of the way, the Democratic Party would be exalting the best of Donald Trump’s memory to the American people, and Joe Biden would be offering his deepest sympathy to Melania, the president’s sons and their families. But the office of the President of the United States would remain filled with an incumbent President running for a second term.

Suddenly, those five points we mentioned earlier that reasonable people might feel are sufficient for Biden to quit will no longer be in play. The American people are a forgiving kind, and they tend to come together for the good of the country when it is needed – like the assassination of a former president. And an incumbent president (even one with issues like this one) will have the “field” advantage of authority (official and moral) which the American people honor and respect. It’s just who we are.

The problem with this last scenario I presented is that it fails to mention a further consideration – the possibility of nefarious behavior behind the assassination (or its attempt) of Donald Trump. Is there not considerable evidence of a visceral contempt for Trump (some say hate) by those on the Far Left, Hollywood crowd, Deep State, the Right and Left Establishment, Military Industrial Complex, FBI, CIA, Justice?

As was the case with the assassination of JFK 60 years ago, consideration of even the possibility of foul play involving money and power was not tolerated. Those that did offer alternative explanations were immediately deemed “crackpots,” “conspiracy theorists” or worse – unpatriotic. The murderer of JFK was himself assassinated days after Kennedy, thus no serious interrogation of Oswald was possible (or should I say permitted). And the Warren Commission eventually shut down any discussion about multiple gunmen, outside actors, government involvement or organized crime being involved. Yet, today the nephew of  JFK (Robert F. Kennedy, Jr.) has said he is convinced that the CIA had a hand in the affair in some way.

If one compares the attempted assassination of Trump with that of JFK, there are striking similarities: The failure of the Secret Service to provide sufficient security for the former president potentially smacks of deeper involvement; the stonewalling about the facts leading up to and regarding the attempt itself; the would-be assassin being allowed to get multiple shots off before being killed by Secret Service snipers who had been watching him for some time. With the death of the assassin, the possibility of obtaining any further information from him about other participants or the possibility of money and/or power behind the attempt is foreclosed. And the official story of what occurred on July 13th is provided by the very people whose failure to perform their duties almost cost the life of an American president they were charged with the responsibility to protect.

The facts just presented about the attempted assassination of Donald Trump can be gleaned from national news reports and the information used for comparison with the assassination of JFK is a matter of public record as well. What is striking are the similarities between the two. And the result we are left with today? Too Many Unanswered Questions that no one seems willing to talk about.

The issue isn’t whether there is more to the story – but the truth shouldn’t be hidden from us – and that happens all the time.

Rise Up 'Deplorables': Rallying Round Pro-America Businesses