Biden backs ‘gender-affirming’ healthcare and slams GOP trying to ban sex changes for children in interview with transgender TikTok activist

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  • President Joe Biden said during an panel discussion that he doesn’t think states should have the right to regulate sex change surgeries or treatments 
  • TikTok star Dylan Mulvaney, who is documenting the transition from male to female on the app, was one of the six progressive panelists to speak with Biden
  • The trans influencer asked Biden whether states should be able to limit access to ‘gender-affirming treatments’ 
  • Biden said: ‘As a moral question and as a legal question, I just think it’s wrong’
  • Mulvaney has been living as a woman for less than a year  
  • Some feminists accuse her of ‘womanface’ by play-acting parts of womanhood she enjoys, while ignoring the misogyny faced by females on a day-to-day basis

Joe Biden said in an interview with a transgender TikTok star that states shouldn’t have the power to regulate any health care related to a person transitioning from one sex to the other.

The president denounced Republican states that have passed laws attempting to ban or limit sex change surgeries and transition treatments – like hormone blockers – for children who identify as non binary or transgender.

Biden spoke with a panel of six progressive activists for the NowThis News presidential forum on Friday, which aired on Sunday. One of the six panelists was TikTok star Dylan Mulvaney who is documenting their transition from a male to trans woman.

When asked if red states should have the right to pass laws limiting access to gender-affirming treatments, Biden said: ‘I don’t think any state or anybody should have the right to do that.’

‘As a moral question and as a legal question, I just think it’s wrong,’ the president added.

Sometimes they try to block you from being able to access certain medicines, being able to access certain procedures, and so on,’ he continued, referencing Republican-led state bills blocking doctors from performing such treatment, especially when it comes to minors.

‘I mean, no state should be able to do that, in my view. So I feel very, very strongly that you should have every single solitary right including use of your gender-identity bathrooms in public.’

Alabama, Arkansas, Texas and Arizona all enacted laws or policies earlier this year restricting youth access to sex change treatments, care and surgeries. In some cases, these laws impose penalties on adults who facilitate access to this care. 

Representative Marjorie Taylor Greene, who has long voiced her opposition to transgenderism, was the first lawmaker to publicly weigh in on Biden’s response to Mulvaney.

‘Joe Biden thinks it’s wrong to stop the profit driven medical industry from cutting breasts off 15 yr old girls and castrating teen boys before they are old enough to legally get a tattoo or vote,’ the GOP Georgia lawmaker tweeted.

She added: ‘Democrats are the party of child abuse.’

By Katelyn Caralle

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