Biden to make ‘big, bold changes’ to guns through executive action, aide says

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Gun policy in America will face “big, bold changes” if Joe Biden is inaugurated in January, according to one of the presumptive president-elect’s top aides last week.

Stef Feldman, the national policy director for Biden’s presidential campaign, said the former-Vice President will use executive action to combat gun violence if Democrats do not gain control of the Senate, the Washington Examiner reported.

During a Zoom briefing hosted by Georgetown University’s Institute of Politics and Public Service on December 3, 2020 Feldman said Biden plans to “make big, bold changes through executive action, not just on policing and climate like we talked about previously, but in healthcare and education on gun violence, on a range of issues.”

Feldman said Biden will implement changes on guns quickly, even prioritizing the issue on his list of initial executive orders.

“There’s really a lot you can do through guidance and executive action,” she said.

Last year, Biden told CNN’s Anderson Cooper that he supports a federal gun buyback program as a way of getting weapons off the streets. Biden also said he supports universal background checks, adding that ‘assault weapons’ “should be illegal. Period.”

When asked about gun owners’ concerns that he would take away people’s firearms, Biden said, “Bingo! You’re right if you have an assault weapon.”

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