Biden’s doing business in China in 2017 when everybody knew he was planning to be President!

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Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene reveals the Biden’s were doing business in China in 2017, when everybody knew he was planning to be President of the United States. This took place during the Committee on Oversight and Accountability hearing entitled “Influence Peddling: Examining Joe Biden’s Abuse of Public Office” on March 20, 2024.

Rep MTG: Now, let’s be very clear. This was in 2017, but I would like to make it known for this committee, that Joe Biden told the press in 2016, as a matter of fact, he, I quote, Yeah, I am, I am going to run in 2020.” He told the press in 2016 that he was running for President of the United States in 2020. So, here is the Biden’s doing business in China in 2017, when everybody knew he was planning to be President of the United States. Do you see that to be a serious problem, Mr. Bobulinski?

Bobulinski: I do, and I wish this committee would thoroughly investigate it and focus on all the evidence that the SDNY [United States District Court for the Southern District of New York] has on CEFC. They had FISA warrants, so they were recording conversations, and I wish they disclose all that data, in fact, to this committee.

Full Transcript

Chairman Jim Comer: The Committee on Oversight and Accountability will come to order. Now recognizes Ms.. Taylor-GreeneE from Georgia for 5 minutes.

Rep. Marjorie Greene (MTG): Thank you, Mr. Chairman. Joe Biden continues to lie to the American people about his role in his family’s businesses. In 2020, he stood up on stage of a presidential debate and told the American people that his family didn’t take any money from China. That was a lie. Not only was it a lie, he knew it was a lie. He knew it because he met with his son, Hunter Biden’s Chinese business associates. I want to talk about CEFC, which is the China Energy Fund Committee. Mr. Bobulinski, who is Chairman [Jianming] Ye.

Tony Bobulinski: Chairman Ye was the Chairman of CEFC.

Rep MTG: Thank you, Jim Biden told the FBI and IRS that Chairman Ye was the protegé of Xi Jinping, the leader of China and the Chinese Communist Party (CCP). Mr. Bobulinski Rob Walker told this committee that Joe Biden met Chairman Ye. Are you aware of that? Yes or no?

Bobulinski: I am now. I wasn’t at the time.

Rep MTG: And Joe Biden also met with you, is that right?

Bobulinski: Yes, he did. Twice.

Rep MTG: Who is Director [Jianjun] Zang

Director Zang was the number two at CEFC.

The Executive Director of CEFC, the number two?

Bobulinski: Yeah, he was the number two executive. But really the point person that I worked with in the Biden family worked with. And he’s the individual that Hunter Biden was shaking down at the end of July 2017, demanding that they fund the $10 million dollars, they ultimately sent five, but $10 million directly to Hunter Biden’s account, Owasco.

Rep MTG: Thank you, Mr. Bobulinski. I want to show you a text message that Hunter Biden sent to you and his other business associates. I’m holding it right here. I’ll read it to you. Hey, Tony, I have an idea. In light of the fact we’re at an impasse of sorts and both James lawyers and my chairman gave an emphatic no, I think we should all meet in Romania. He’s speaking about my chairman. When Hunter Biden came in for his deposition, he said that he was referring to Chairman Ye and that the rest of your group referred to Zang as a different chairman. Does this make any sense to you?

Bobulinski: That’s a lie. I never heard Director Zang referenced as chairman, and I had direct communications with Director Zang over WeChat, met him in Romania, met him in Moscow, met him around the world in New York, trying to develop this business. And he was never referred to as the chairman, first of all. Second of all, that makes absolutely no sense in the context of this message, because we are discussing Oneida Holdings, LLC.

Rep MTG: Thank you. I know he was not the chairman, just to clarify. Yes. Okay. So I want to show you another text. When he said his chairman, he was talking about his dad. This is from Rob Walker. It didn’t seem to make much sense to Rob Walker either. So he said that when Hunter he said this to you when Hunter was talking about his chairman, he was talking about his dad. When Rob Walker came in to give his transcribed interview to the committee, he basically said, well, Hunter was high or confused or mad, and Rob Walker said that he was just trying to calm things down between you and Hunter. But that doesn’t really answer the question about who Hunter Biden is talking about. Hunter Biden lied to this committee. So, here, clearly he says Rob Walker saying he’s talking about his dad. So I want to be very clear. We’ve established that Zang is not the chairman, obviously. Is that correct, Yes or no?

Bobulinski: Correct.

Rep MTG: Let me show you another message. This message doesn’t call saying Chairman Zang, does it? It just says the Chinese want to do business with the Bidens. As a matter of fact, it says, both coming to be my partner, to be partners with the Bidens, with an s. He, Zang is implied, has implied that the number one has made it clear and available to him. Who is the number one?

Bobulinski: The number one is Xi Jinping,

Rep MTG: Xi Jinping the President of China. Yes or no? The leader of the Communist Party. The CCP?

Bobulinski: Yes.

Rep MTG: Is the number one.

Bobulinski: Yes, that’s the number one that Hunter was referencing in that message.

Rep MTG: Now, let’s be very clear. This was in 2017, but I would like to make it known for this committee, that Joe Biden told the press in 2016, as a matter of fact, he, I quote, Yeah, I am, I am going to run in 2020.” He told the press in 2016 that he was running for President of the United States in 2020. So, here is the Biden’s doing business in China in 2017, when everybody knew he was planning to be President of the United States. Do you see that to be a serious problem, Mr. Bobulinski?

Bobulinski: I do, and I wish this committee would thoroughly investigate it and focus on all the evidence that the SDNY [United States District Court for the Southern District of New York] has on CEFC. They had FISA warrants, so they were recording conversations, and I wish they disclose all that data, in fact, to this committee.

Rep MTG: Thank you, Mr. Bobulinski. I yield, Mr. Chairman.

China’s President Xi Jinping personally approved CEFC China Energy’s business partnership with the Biden family.

When Tony Bobulinski expressed concern about Hunter and James Biden’s ability to overrule him on corporate decisions, Hunter let Bobulinski know that CEFC’s Ye Jianming and Zang Jianjun were in business “to be partners with the Bidens” and that “the #1 (Xi Jinping) has made that clear.”

“TONY that is what Zhang implied – they are both coming to be MY partner to be partners with the Bidens. He has implied that the #1 [Xi Jinping] has made that clear and available to him.”

Hunter referred to President Joe Biden as “my Chairman,” and James Gilliar, a Biden business partner, reminded Bobulinski: “Don’t mention Joe being involved, it’s only when u are face to face, I know u know that but they are paranoid.”

In an FBI interview last year, James Biden told agents that he and Hunter were trying to help CEFC China Energy purchase U.S. energy assets while they believed the company’s chairman had direct ties to China’s President Xi Jinping.

“James B noted that RHB [Robert Hunter Biden] portrayed CEFC to him as Chairman Ye was a protégé of President Xi,” FBI agents wrote in the report.

Rob Walker, another Biden business partner, also confirmed that President Biden attended a meeting with CEFC chairman Ye Jianming, who Hunter and James considered “a protégé of President Xi.”

The Biden family received millions from CEFC China Energy, including a million-dollar wire transfer from CEFC’s Patrick Ho, whom Hunter called “the spy chief of China,” after Ho was arrested by the DOJ for bribing African politicians with millions in cash for their countries’ oil rights.

President Biden received money from Hunter and James Biden’s deal with CEFC China Energy through Sara Biden, according to a Wall Street Journal report.

Specifically, 10% for the Big Guy.

In other words, President Joe Biden, Hunter’s “Chairman,” attended meetings and received money from his family’s business deal with CEFC China Energy, a company where his brother and son collaborated with individuals they described as “the spy chief of China” and “a protégé of President Xi.”

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