Bioterror Propaganda Roundup: The latest updates on the “new normal” — chronicling the lies, distortions, and abuses by the ruling class.
The Pharma Corruption Carousel: The ride never stops
Via Stat News (emphasis added):
“It’s only February, but my pick for the Worst Biopharma CEO of 2025 has already been decided: Albert Bourla of Pfizer.
Pfizer’s decision to hire Patrizia Cavazzoni, a former top drug regulator at the Food and Drug Administration, as its new chief medical officer is one of the dumbest, most damaging corporate screwups since the rollout of New Coke.
For months, the Make America Healthy Again movement and its titular leader, Robert F. Kennedy Jr. — who also happens to now run the Department of Health and Human Services — have castigated the pharma sector for its all-too-cozy relationship with the FDA.”
Note that this Stat News hack’s concern is not the prima facie corruption of Pfizer hiring former regulators as a reward for a job well done; rather, he laments the poor PR optics of it all.
“Has COVID-19 Changed the FDA’s Regulatory Process?” John Whyte, WebMD’s Chief Medical Officer, asked Patrizia Cavazzoni back when she was Director of the Center for Drug Evaluation and Research (CDER) at the FDA, before Pfizer hired her to run its ops in a more formalized manner.
It certainly has, John!
Related: WATCH: Pfizer CEO Flops Attempting to Defend Vax Liability Shield
Whatever one might think of the Vietnamese communist regime — no doubt, it’s not my cup of tea — it at least makes a show out of executing corrupt public officials for the sake of keeping up the appearance that it governs in the people’s interest.
In America, their counterparts who play their cards right and climb to the top of the pyramid get rewarded with Pfizer board positions and lucrative cable news’ contributorships once they retire from “public service.”
So which is a closer approximation to genuine democracy?
Related: Trump USDA Announces $1 Billion Bird Flu Spend, $100 Million for ‘New Generation’ Vaccines
Lipid nanoparticles in mRNA shots enter heart
You might recall the Public Health™ authorities assuring you via Brought to You By Pfizer™ corporate state media, over and over and over — while haranguing you to shut up, obey, and just get injected — that the constituent parts of the shots do not travel throughout the body.
The shots stay localized, went the parroted line, in the muscle tissue at the injection site.
Another lie debunked — albeit a few years too late for the duped NPCs who made the lethal mistake of Trusting the Science™.
Via The Defender (emphasis added):
“Lipid nanoparticles (LNPs), used to deliver the mRNA in the COVID-19 vaccine to the body’s cells, don’t remain in the injection site — they circulate throughout the entire body and reach vital organs, including the heart, according to a new paper published in Nature Biotechnology.
The findings “suggest a potential mechanism by which LNP-based mRNA vaccines could contribute to the reported cardiac complications,” including myocarditis, the study authors wrote.
Now published in one of the top scientific journals, the study’s findings contradict claims by public health officials and scientists during the COVID-19 vaccine rollouts that the LNPs were safe because they traveled only to specific targeted sites in the body.”
AI-designed drugs by Google headed for clinical trial by close of year
Via PYMNTS (emphasis added):
“Nobel laureate and Google DeepMind CEO Demis Hassabis said Tuesday (Jan. 21) that he expects to see pharmaceutical drugs designed by artificial intelligence (AI) to be in clinical trials by the end of the year.
During a fireside chat at the World Economic Forum in Davos, Switzerland, Hassabis said these drugs are being developed at Isomorphic Labs, a for-profit venture created by Google parent firm Alphabet in 2021 that was tasked to reinvent the entire drug discovery process based on first principles and led by AI.”
Of course, the crux of the problem isn’t necessarily in applying artificial intelligence to the field of medicine per se — it’s who’s doing the applying and what their true motivations are.
Related: CIA Finally Cops to Likely COVID Lab Leak Reality: Report
No one in their right mind would believe Google — one of, if not the, most insidious organizations in world history, cloaking its villainy in the soft liberal trappings of humanism — is going to deploy AI in a sincere drive to rid the world of illness and suffering.
Its stealth removal of its “don’t be evil” mantra from its official policy back in 2018 without explanation surely did nothing to assuage our suspicions, nor did its more recent scrubbing of its pledge not to use AI for weapons or surveillance purposes.
Via TechCrunch (emphasis added):
“Google removed a pledge to not build AI for weapons or surveillance from its website this week. The change was first spotted by Bloomberg. The company appears to have updated its public AI principles page, erasing a section titled “applications we will not pursue,” which was still included as recently as last week.
Asked for comment, the company pointed TechCrunch to a new blog post on “responsible AI.” It notes, in part, “we believe that companies, governments, and organizations sharing these values should work together to create AI that protects people, promotes global growth, and supports national security.””
Ben Bartee is an independent Bangkok-based American journalist with opposable thumbs.
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