BOMBSHELL: DOJ Trump Lawfare Gets Exposed!

Rise Up 'Deplorables': Rallying Round Pro-America Businesses

Earlier this month it seems like Internet content provider Steven Crowder decided to take a page from James O’Keefe Media Group (OMG) and delve into the world of undercover hidden camera interviewing. The “Louder with Crowder’s MugClub Undercover” show out earlier this month filmed somewhere in New York really exposed Democrat’s lawfare as a real thing and former President Donald Trump as a real victim of same.

The DOJ Chief Nicholas Biase, Chief of Public Affairs for the U.S. Department of Justice in the Southern District of New York (SDNY), was caught on hidden camera admitting in undercover video footage the Trump indictments are politically motivated. A plot was exposed to make Trump a ‘Convicted Felon’ and ‘Affect His Candidacy’ during the 2024 election cycle.

We have prepared a transcript of that interview due to the fact the film was made in a bar/restaurant with so much background noise it is often hard to understand.

INTERVIEWER: Those felonies did nothing to stop Trump from running.

BIASE: No in fact they made him more relevant.

INTERVIEWER:  Did that backfire?

BIASE:  It sure did. The whole thing is disgusting, um, and they’re just out to get him [Trump]. That’s why he’s surging in the polls.

You know it’s a perversion of justice he [NY DA Alvin Bragg] was stacking charges and rearranging things just to make it fit a case.


BIASE: To be honest with you I think the case is nonsense.

After a break in the video, Biase is later recorded saying.

BIASE: The State level [NY AG Letitia James] is like the f*cking wild west. They’re like idiots. They don’t care, they’re all political. So yeah, this guy [Bragg] is probably going to try to lock him [Trump] up and there is going to be, it’s going to be ugly. They’re so obsessed with getting him [Trump].

 INTERVIEWER: Who, who, who, is they?   

BIASE: The Democrats. Alvin Bragg, yeah, yeah, who I’ve known for 15 years, he used to work at my office.

Asking the interviewer in an aside.

Before he decided to prosecute Trump, did you know who he was? You do now. I’m not sure what he wants to be but I know he’s not happy just being the DA in New York County so Alvin is very ambitious. Every real estate person in New York does what he [Trump] did, nobody’s ever been charge with this. It’s all him [Trump].

INTERVIEWER: Are those even actual felonies because I was pretty sure that…

BIASE: No. He [Alvin Bragg] was stacking charges and rearranging things just to make it fit a case. No, to be honest with you I think the case is nonsense. Every real estate person in New York does what he [Trump] did, nobody’s ever been charge with this. Its’ all about him [Trump] told him and that’s why he’s [Trump] is surging in the polls. You know it’s just a perversion of justice.


BIASE: Cause Alvin Bragg is very ambitious.

INTERVIEWER: What do you mean?

BIASE: He wants to be um, you know, something, I don’t know what, a mayor? I’m not sure what he wants to be but I know he’s not happy just being the DA of New York County. So, this is like… Before he decided to prosecute Trump, did you know who he was? You do now.

INTERVIEWER: What was the point of even doing it [prosecuting Trump] then?

BIASE:  To make him a convict.

INTERVIEWER: To make him what?

BIASE: A convicted felon.

INTERVIEWER: But if he can still run for presidency…

BIASE:  Yeah, but it affects his candidacy if he’s a convicted felon.

Biase just basically admitted the entire Democrat Party involved in this lawfare is now guilty of election interference.

INTERVIEWER: I was trying to count the lawsuits… I was like I wonder like how many are against him. I think it’s called lawfare.

BIASE:  Yes.

INTERVIEWER:  That’s what I’ve gathered from that.

BIASE: That is what they call it.

I mean at the federal level where I work there is a 90-day rule where you can’t make any decisions on cases that are going to affect an election. That rule does not apply at the state level because the state level the f*cking wild west. They’re like idiots. They don’t care. They’re all political um… So yeah this guy’s [Bragg] probably going to try to lock him [Trump} up and there is going to be it’s going to be ugly. They’re so obsessed with getting him [Trump].

This is significant because Biase reveals that you have a local state prosecutor who has wrongfully filed Federal charges where he has no authority to do so. Trump and his legal team revealed before another violation Bragg committed was filing charges after a statute of limitations had expired.

At this point the interviewer shifts the focus from New York to Georgia.

INTERVIEWER: So is that the strategy against Trump just hit him with all the legal battles all across like the …

BIASE: 100%

INTERVIEWER: The Fani Willis [Fulton County DA] Georgia what do you think about that case?

BIASE: It’s a travesty of justice, to put it mildly, it’s a mockery of Justice. She is a joke, like her boyfriend she was seeing… The whole thing is disgusting. Um they’re just out to get him [Trump].

In another portion of the video BIASE gives a history of this case and discusses how others feel about the Bragg case brought against Trump.

INTERVIEWER: How well do you know him [Bragg]?

BIASE: I used to work with him for ten years.

INTERVIEWER: You have dinner with him and hung out?

BIASE: No, we weren’t best friends. But I mean like if I see him we’re like I mean we know each other really well but like, do I respect what he’s doing? No! Is he a nice guy? Yeah.

INTERVIEWER: What about the other people you work with do they know it’s all a political perversion?

BIASE: Yes, of course.


Steven Crowder reminds people several times “Nicholas Biase is not the bad guy here.” He probably does this for legal liability reasons in the event Biase were to become a target after the release of this incendiary interview. Interestingly, after this interview came out earlier this month, Biase released a statement.

“I said these things in an effort to please and impress someone I just met, who was secretly filming me,” Biase said. “I’m deeply sorry to the local and state law enforcement officials working on these matters, who deserve more respect than I showed them. I should have known better.”

Very few mainstream news sources reported on this story but two that did, to their credit, were CNN and The New York Post.

Top Manhattan US Attorney’s Office spox blasts DA Bragg over Trump prosecution in secret recording: ‘The case is nonsense’” – New York Post

This news story, in my opinion, was the second BIGGEST neglected news story of this summer after the one that revealed Nancy Pelosi was responsible for the January 6 Capitol Hill Riot chaos that led to the death of Air Force veteran and Trump supporter Ashli Babbitt. Steven Crowder deserves a ton of credit for this story which otherwise would have been unknown.

Former President Donald J. Trump is an innocent man being falsely prosecuted for political ends!

I will soon be dropping a third BIG story soon that has received no coverage at all. It is so big I may not be able to find an Internet video to go with it.

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