Thanks to the free speech and free exchange of information on the “X” (formerly Twitter) social media platform bought by billionaire entrepreneur Elon Musk, Americans are learning the truth about many things happening in America. Some of those truths are being revealed by eyewitnesses on video. Some of those involve video of arsonists caught in the act of setting fires in Los Angeles County of Southern California.
Any thinking person with a slight background in firefighting or fire science could have guessed arson was the cause of multiple fires breaking out around the county simultaneously remotely from one another. This is not normal. This is the result of criminal minds taking advantage of dry conditions coupled with 80-100 mph winds.
Oddly, this Spanish speaking immigrant (who remains nameless for reasons unknown) had no arson charges filed.
— Liberty Memes (@Liberty_Memes) January 10, 2025
“We made the determination that there was not enough probable cause to charge this person”
What is super odd about this incident is how rare it is to even find this LAPD press conference on this matter anywhere on the Internet!
One recent post by The Daily Bread Podcast, hosted by Arnie Abramyan offered this alleged news bite:
“Why was the Los Angeles California arson suspect (arrested yesterday) carrying FIVE cell phones and a United Nations prepaid debit card?? FBI will take over the investigation and cover it up. These fires were not an accident. A group of losers were promised $50-100k to destroy California and get flown back to their country.”
Now, normally journalists would say Abramyan is not a credible news source because he offers no sources of where he obtained his information. But then again, these are not normal times so I trust some, if not all, of what he posted is true.
Talk about abnormal, the very definition of probable cause would be a man out on probation from previous felony crimes carrying a blowtorch in a wildfire area!
Some arsonists are getting caught, charged, and detained.
For example a fugitive from Pennsylvania was just arrested for arson in Los Angeles County. A 60-year-old Gloria Mandich is accused of starting a fire near Leo Carrillo State Park on January 8th.
As I have mentioned in previous articles I have written how my father was a fireman/EMT paramedic. He used to say about news events like these SOCAL fires, “Times like this can bring out the best and worst in people.”
The best has been those American heroes saving people and pets from their homes and making these citizen’s arrests of suspected arsonists and looters.
The worst has been the arsonists and looters themselves. Also, the incompetent political figures who caused this calamity working to cover their own asses.
America needs Donald J. Trump as president right now. America needs a civil society restored contrary to the end game of the Soros family.
We need our mentally challenged people who like to start and watch fires back in state run asylums. We also need closed borders with an immigration system that requires careful vetting of everyone entering America. The innocent civilians of America need better protection by our elected and appointed officials.
The damage done in this fire could conceivably collapse the entire insurance industry as the losses are now being calculated as a billion as each home lost averaged in price at $3.5 million with no estimate on the value for businesses and industries lost yet.
President Trump needs to order up an investigation of this event as a criminal act. The loss of life in these fires could top the loss of life in NOLA at the New Year’s Eve celebration. Thus far 11 souls have been lost in these fires. In Louisiana some 15 souls were lost.
And for people like Senator Bernie Sanders (I) stating these fires are the result of manmade climate change, he is right. We call them ARSONISTS!
“On LA’s streets, it’s turning into the ‘Wild West’: Watters” – FOX News
© 2024 by Mark S. Schwendau