Californians Protest Forced Vaccinations of Police

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Almost 100 people gathered in front of the Los Angeles Police Department (LAPD) headquarters on Sept. 8 to protest the government’s policy of forcing frontline officers, such as police officers and healthcare workers, to be vaccinated against the CCP (Chinese Communist Party) virus.

California over the past few months has continuously attempted to implement a mandatory vaccine policy. On Aug. 5, California Department of Public Health officials demanded that all healthcare workers be fully vaccinated by Sept. 30, leading to the protest of hundreds of healthcare workers.

At the local government level, the Los Angeles City Council passed a mandatory policy on Aug. 18 requiring all employees, including those of the Police and Fire Departments, to be fully vaccinated by early October, except for those who had obtained exemptions.

At Wednesday’s protest, a plainclothes police officer, who asked to be anonymous, told The Epoch Times that LAPD officers are now in a similar position to health care workers in California, having to choose between “getting vaccinated” or “getting fired.”

Jessie Brewer, a local resident at the protest said that “the real pandemic, especially here in Los Angeles, is crime, homelessness, and drugs, and those are the things that we need our law enforcement to be able to engage in. We don’t need them to be worried about having side effects from unproven medical injections.”

“It’s just crazy because they are the ones who take care of us, they’re the ones who keep us safe.”

Brewer mentioned the current vaccine is a ‘zero liability’ product, with vaccine companies protected from liability for death, disability, and serious adverse reactions that may occur after people have been vaccinated.

Since there are risks, she said, “please don’t make this mandatory, it should be everyone’s choice.”

Another local resident, Katey T., told The Epoch Times she was against mandated vaccines.

“It’s a new vaccine, the clinical trials are not complete,” Katey, who works as a nurse, said, adding that she does not trust the vaccine. She said that there are too many cases of death or serious adverse reactions to the vaccine, and noted reports of young people who have been vaccinated suffering from the symptoms of rare forms of heart disease.

“I think it’s wrong, it’s our bodies, it’s our choice,” she said.

By Linda Jiang

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