Candace Owens did a deep dive on Kamala Harris‘s genealogy researching Kamala Harris’ family background. Owens’ research has raised some interesting questions about Harris’ ethnicity suggesting some serious inconsistencies in her show episodes 70, 71, 72 and 73. More may be coming.
“I Think I Found Kamala’s Real Family | Candace Ep 73” – Candice Owens
In the first 22 minutes of Episode 73 Owens explains the questionable background of Kamala Harris. Some are already noticing the parallels of this story with Barack Hussein Obama, aka Barry Soetoro, aka Barry Obama, aka Barack Dunham, aka Barry Dunham. Owens has determined Harris’ background seems to be somewhat amiss. Is this another scam being perpetrated on America as it was with another “half-Black” candidate Barack Obama?
“This Is Terrifying! What is Kamala Hiding? | Candace Ep 72” – Candice Owens
Candace Owens is a 35 year old American political commentator and pundit who is a black conservative Republican. At one point in time she was critical of President Donald Trump and the Republican Party. She has been openly critical of Black Lives Matter. In March of this year she was dismissed from the Daily Wire conservative news source following comments regarded as anti-Semitic after months of tension with co-host Ben Shapiro and other staff.
Owens apparent interest in investigating the background of Kamala Harris seems to have been spawned when black singer Janet Jackson (sister to Michael) came out to dispute the assertion that Kamala Harris was black.
“She’s not Black. That’s what I heard. That she’s Indian. Her father’s white. That’s what I was told. I mean, I haven’t watched the news in a few days,” Jackson said.
Thereafter Jackson took some immediate flack for her comment and even had an aid of hers write a letter of retraction and apology without her knowledge or authorization. That aid was immediately fired and Jackson stood by her original statement.
“Good for Janet. Kamala Harris is literally not black. Her dad is Indian, but grew up in Jamaica. Kamala now avoids the question of her ethnicity altogether,” Owens tweeted.
Good for Janet. Kamala Harris is literally not black. Her dad is Indian, but grew up in Jamaica.
— Candace Owens (@RealCandaceO) September 23, 2024
Kamala now avoids the question of her ethnicity altogether.
Owens began her quest investigating Harris asking the question; who is Kamala Harris?
Owens determined her mother was from India and her father was from Jamaica but information on her 4 grandparents seemingly has been erased but for 1 of them. When Owens discovered this she immediately put up a $1,000 reward for anybody who could find more relevant information on Kamala Harris’ background.
Some black female journalists during the National Association of Black Journalists (NABJ) convention in July thought it would be a good idea to attack guest former President Donald Trump with a gotcha question about Harris’ race. During the panel discussion Trump answered Harris “happened to turn Black” in recent times after saying she was Indian for years. He said it was of no consequence.
Liberals were quick to pile on Trump stating these claims had been debunked by many, including Harris, who has publically identified as Black and Indian American. What is most humorous is these black journalists would have done well to do a little bit of homework before tangling with Donald Trump. The fact of the matter is her birth certificate (including amended one) lists her race as “Caucasian”.
Owens noted in Harris’ 2019 memoir “The Truths We Hold: An American Journey”, she wrote her mother was determined to raise her and her sister, Maya, as “confident, proud black women.” But just because Harris wrote this about her mother and her upbringing doesn’t make it true. Her birth certificate tells her truth and that is she was born Caucasian. Keep in mind, there are advantages at times in the US to calling yourself “black” just as there are advantages to classifying yourself as a “native American” and those advantages come in the form of Federal Assistance dollars.
Kamala Harris’ parents met in 1962 at the University of California at Berkeley, where they were attracted to each other by a common cause of civil rights. Some of their Berkley friends were said to have started the Black Panthers which later became the foundation of Black Lives Matter (BLM).
Some observers note Kamala Harris comes from two academics of the 1960’s in Berkeley, California — the epicenter of Marxism in the United States. These people hold Harris was raised as a radical socialist and that’s what she is today.
Thus far Owens has determined many things but some of the more interesting things include:
1. Kamala Harris is more of an Irish white ethnic racial background than she is black, according to her genealogy. Joe Biden is also of Irish descent.
2. Kamala Harris comes from a family of wealthy slave owning descendants.
3. Kamala Harris is infinitely more dangerous for America than Joe Biden was and she is lying to attain our highest office.
4. Kamala Harris’ grandmother, “Beryl”, died in 1960 while Kamala was born in 1964 and yet Kamala is shown in a picture with her grandma Beryl when she was a young girl in her book. Photoshop?
Back when Barack Obama ran for president and was elected I was good with it at first, even though I did not vote for him. I had even attended a rally of his at Rock Valley College when he was an Illinois Senator in October of 2006. The charisma of that rally reminded me of Jack Kennedy in bygone years.
But I had a serious problem with Obama later when questions came about whether he was born in Kenya or Hawaii. He had multiple family members in Kenya stating he was born there. I also had questions about his rumors of frequenting gay bath houses in Chicago, whether Michelle Obama was actually a man named Michael LaVaughn Robinson, and the total mystery of his college attendance. Being a college professor myself at the time, the fact that nobody (staff/students/faculty) at Columbia University remembered him was very alarming to me. One of his first Obama executive orders was said to be to seal his entire paper past after he had campaigned on “transparency”.
I had more questions than answers.
Up until that time I assumed the FBI or CIA vetted our candidates for Federal offices. But I later learned from my local Congressman House Representative it is up to the political party to do this task! I see that as a serious conflict of interest.
Time to write a new law!
Kamala Harris remains unvetted and since she is a known liar, we cannot take her at her own word.
It’s fair to say Kamala Harris an Iranian asset who is colluding with the mullah. In fact she’s even working to help them get nuclear weapons.
— Matt Schlapp (@mschlapp) September 24, 2024
Trump is right we need an investigation into Iran’s attempt to help Kamala secure the White House. @NEWSMAX
Also read:
“You want Some Lies with that Fake?”
“Weekends in Palo Alto, Private School, Trips to Jamaica: A Look at Kamala Harris’s ‘Middle Class’ Childhood” – Breitbart
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