Carlson and O’Keefe Expose a Very Corrupt CIA!

Contact Your Elected Officials

We all learned in school about the 3 branches of government from the Constitution as the Executive, Legislative, and Judicial branches. But some now argue that was before the different governmental agencies that operate with extreme power and seemingly little oversight in a 4th branch. The intelligence branch of our government (FBI, CIA, NSA, DHS, etc.) is a new 4th branch. Of those, the CIA has been making the news more than they would prefer which is not at all. This is proven true when you hang out in D.C. or with our military divisions where spies are not even referred to as spies but rather ghosts or spooks.

James O’Keefe, former founder of Project Veritas, hit another home run on his new O’Keefe Media Group (OMG) podcast by having one of his attractive female undercover journalists get a CIA agent to spill his guts on camera exposing what that agency really thinks of former President Donald Trump.

Essentially what O’Keefe exposes is tantamount to treason. Federal agencies such as the CIA, FBI, and DOJ do not have the option to pick and choose which presidents they want to get in bed with or stab in the back. The undercover camera reveals a contractor of the CIA admitting the CIA stabbed President Trump in the back!

From the O’Keefe video description:

“’So the agencies kind of, like, all got together and said, we’re not gonna tell Trump…Director of the CIA would keep [information from Trump]…’ A project manager working in Cyber Operations for the CIA and an NSA Contractor with top-secret clearance working for Deloitte (, Amjad Fseisi, is caught on undercover cameras implicating the highest levels of the intelligence agencies, including ‘The executive staff. We’re talking about the director and his subordinates,’ former CIA Directors ‘Gina Haspel….And I believe Mike Pompeo did the same thing too,’ ‘kept information from him [Trump] because we knew he’d fucking disclose it.’ Amjad reasons ‘There are certain people that would… give him a high-level overview but never give him any details.’”

What is most stunning about the O’Keefe hidden camera news story is the CIA actually took the time to respond to James O’Keefe personally to distance themselves from Amjad Fselisi. They even point out he is no longer with the CIA.

The CIA Pretends To Be Apolitical After Contractor Is Caught On Tape By James O’Keefe – Lou Dobbs Tonight

Yet another very interesting news interview occurred between Joe Rogan and Tucker Carlson recently related to the CIA. By now, just about everybody knows that former President Donald Trump refused to release all of the classified documents on the JFK presidential assassination, even though he said he would going into office.

“Law Demands Full JFK Record Release, But ‘Clearly The CIA Doesn’t Care About Those Consequences’” – NBC News

President Joe Biden has also refused full disclosure of the JFK files and in 2022 gave the CIA one more year to comply with the law requiring the release of these documents. That one year deadline expired in of June 2023. The implication is the CIA had some form of direct involvement in the Kennedy assassination. While the government agencies claim 97% of the files have been released, 3% still remain under wraps.

If the fact that the CIA may have had some prior knowledge or direct involvement in the assassination of our 35th President John F. Kennedy is not disturbing enough, Tucker Carlson recently talked about what he has learned relative to of how the CIA was also responsible for the Watergate Break-in which removed President Richard Nixon from office.

“Tucker Carlson Completely EXPOSES the CIA on Joe Rogan’s Podcast” – The Motive

At the 02:43:05 minute mark in the video the exchange between Rogan and Carlson becomes particularly interesting as Rogan talks with Carlson:

Rogan: So why did they want to get rid of Nixon?

Carlson: You know, there are a lot of theories on that. I mean, we don’t. First of all, we don’t need to know motive to know what happened. They, meaning unelected federal employees, got rid of Richard Nixon, which is the most anti-democratic way to make a leadership change that there is. Okay. I should just say at the outset, I actually kind of believe in democracy. Obviously, it’s not working well. Obviously, it’s ending globally. There will never be another liberal democracy, unfortunately. But I’m attached to it because I was born here. I really believe in it, and it’s better than any other system. So that’s why I’m pissed. What was their motive? There are a lot of theories on this. There’s an amazing conversation, it’s on tape, between Richard Nixon when he was still president, I think it was in 1973, and I think it was Richard Helms, the head of the CIA, though I may have fucked that up. But it was the head of the CIA, and I think it was Helms. And Nixon says, I know why they killed Jack Kennedy. So Nixon was a student of history, obviously a flawed and complicated person, but a very, very smart person.

And he was really interested in why this guy, who’d been president, just one president before him, was murdered. And he didn’t think it was a lone gunman who was mysteriously assassinated two days later by another lone gunman. Like, it’s so obviously bullshit. And he knew that. And he said to say, a director who, and you can listen to the tape, it’s on the Internet, is totally silent on this question. So I think there was the impression, I don’t think, I know, that Nixon understood that the bureaucracy was really in control of the country. It wasn’t elected officials, and that’s a massive threat, because it’s true. And there may have been other reasons, too, that I’m not privy to. Look, all I… And by the way, I didn’t even know any of this, despite having moved to Washington in high school and been around this stuff a lot, a lot, a lot. I didn’t know any of that. And I know Bob Woodward personally, and I know Carl Bernstein personally. I even work for Carl Bernstein briefly. So I knew some of the actual players in this, but I didn’t connect the obvious dots because they weren’t framed that way.

That’s the point I’m making. It’s the way that you frame things. You can have all the information available on Wikipedia, which is also controlled by the intel agencies, but there’s still information on there. The information can be out there in the public domain. It’s a matter of seeing it for what it is. Right?

Rogan: Yeah. So Nixon said that he knew why they killed JFK. Did he elaborate?

Carlson: Nope.


The fact that both O’Keefe and Carlson have just exposed a taxpayer funded governmental agency that has gone rogue circumventing and possibly murdering our presidents is worthy of Congress ceasing funding and requiring a deep forensic investigation.

The implication is the CIA murdered President Kennedy, than they eliminated President Nixon from office when they felt he might go public with what he learned about the assassination and they may well have done the same thing to President Trump.

A “clandestine operation” is an intelligence operation carried out in a way that the operation is unknown by the general population. Such an operation should NEVER lump the President of the United States in the category of “general population”!

The CIA does not get to accept or reject a president into their “inner circle of trust” like the Fockers family!

Copyright © 2024 by Mark S. Schwendau

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