CBS Sunday Morning Show’s Election Interference

Rise Up 'Deplorables': Rallying Round Pro-America Businesses

I have been a long-time fan of the news magazine show the CBS Sunday Morning Show. That was until recently when it strayed from art, crafts, and design, into politics, sexual deviancy, and hatred of America instead.

This past Sunday I thought I would give them another chance, since Kamala Harris and Tim Walz are self-destructing in real-time so, I figured politics would be off the table. I was wrong.

“Election officials on threats to your right to vote” – CBS

This segment of the show offers a good example of journalistic malpractice on the part of CBS. This segment from a conservative position could have just as easily been titled and written, “Democrats Obstruct Republican Election Integrity Efforts”. They could lead this story using our puppet president Joe Biden in one of his most recent actions.

Biden opposes bill that would require voters to prove citizenship” – 17 ABC Rockford

There are 2 new quotes going around on the Internet that most of America believes to be true:

“The only way today’s Democrats can win elections today is if they cheat!”

And this one:

“The General Election of 2024 will not be the Democrats verses the Republicans, it will be the Stealers verses the Patriots.” (An NFL football reference.)

Because Democrats make no efforts to defend themselves from such statements, and indeed seemingly show signs of proving them to be true, this can and will lead to more violence in our nation.

In the first story segment of Sunday Morning a black lady of Chatham County Georgia is interviewed. Sabrina German is the Director of Voter Registration for the County. She is a Democrat who helped register 85,000 minority voters in 2014.

German plays the victim finding herself in the national spotlight as she works to comply with sweeping changes to state election laws in her battleground swing state.

In the CBS segment German says, “The first three words in the preamble, it says, ‘We, the people,’ meaning that we, as public servants, we are working for the people to make sure that they have a fair choice and a voice for the candidates that they’re choosing.”

What German is upset about is a lady by the name of Helen Strahl, a local Republican Party activist, turned in a list of around 900 names of people she identified as illegitimate voters on the county voting rolls according to new Georgia law SB 189. What CBS and German did not note is what Strahl actually found: 497 voters who moved to Florida, 266 voters who moved to North Carolina, and another group of voters registered at unqualified addresses such as a post office box or mailbox service.

Has Georgia Fixed It’s 2020 Election Problems? – Sean Spicer

How CBS News demonstrates their bias and interest in pushing the liberal socialist agenda.

One of the guests of this news segment was a gentleman named David Becker, who is identified as a CBS News contributor who is the director of the non-partisan Center for Election Innovation and Research ( in Washington, D.C., said, “I’ve been looking and researching the quality of our voter lists for about 25 years now, and there’s no question that, right now, our voter lists are as accurate as they’ve ever been.”

CBS asked him what is fueling suspicion of voter rolls. “We see a lot of their claims about the elections driven just by outcomes,” said Becker. “They’re not about the actual process.”

“The voter lists are public. They could have challenged these things in 2023 or 2021 or 2019. They’re waiting until right before the election, which tells you that they’re not actually interested in cleaning up the lists. What they’re really trying to do is to set the stage for claims that an election was stolen after, presumably, their candidate loses,” Becker said.

The problem with Becker is Influence Watch identifies him as a left leaning activist. (

What CBS should have done is interviewed “True the Vote’s” ( Catherine Engelbrecht in the interest of equal time and coverage.

“What is Georgia doing to verify citizenship eligibility for voter registration?” – True the Vote


Democrats today are the gaslighting enemy of America within these days. All the proof you need is whenever you say identification should be required to vote, they accuse you of being racist trying to suppress the minority vote.

Where this is yet another proven lie is you must produce photo ID to purchase alcohol or cigarettes. Store signs say so. But there are many other activities that require ID as well:

  1. Get a job
  2. Open a bank account
  3. applying for welfare/Medicaid/Social Security/unemployment benefits
  4. rent/buy a house, or apply for a mortgage
  5. drive/buy/rent a car
  6. fly on an airplane
  7. get married
  8. buy a gun
  9. adopt a pet
  10. rent a hotel/motel room
  11. apply for a hunting or fishing license
  12. buy a cellphone
  13. visit a casino
  14. pick up a drug prescription
  15. donate blood
  16. apply for a license/permit to hold a demonstration
  17. buy an “M”-rated video game
  18. buy certain medications, nail polish, etc. at drug stores
  19. hospital admittance
  20. certificate of death

CBS News should stop perpetuating a socialist liberal agenda and be forced, by law, to report both sides of a story with each side getting equal time in minutes on the clock.

There is a momentum on social media platforms to boycott the major mainstream networks taking hold and the above story is the reason why it is doing so: #Boycott @CBSNews @NBCNews @ABC @CNN @MSNBC

Where CBS is missing the big story here though is they are failing to do an in depth collective story on the 155,000 ineligible voters removed from the Ohio voter rolls, the 750,000 voters removed in North Carolina, the 95,000 in Texas, and the 218,000 in Arizona we just reported on! Numbers like these are no coincidence or fluke. This is intentional. I would like to know: Were they registered as Democrats or Republicans?

 “Arizona Gets Sued for 218,000 Undocumented Voters!”

Copyright © 2024 by Mark S. Schwendau

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