Celebrities loved Donald J. Trump before he was elected President and this is documented in videos but some of these videos are being deleted while others are difficult to find due to internet search algorithms. The common meme to express this on the internet is, “They loved him before they hated him.”
SNL and Trump
This fall NBC’s Saturday Night Live (SNL) begins its 50th season on air broadcast live making it one of the longest-running network television programs in the United States. But there is an apparent dark side to the powers that be at SNL as was once exposed by the CBS television show Inside Edition.
“Watch Donald Trump’s 2004 ‘SNL’ Skit That’s Been Missing from Show’s DVD” – Inside Edition
As is noted near the end of this video segment dating back 8 years ago The National Council of La Raza (https://unidosus.org/about/history/) was one of the first to falsely attack Trump as being a racist as he ran against Hillary Clinton in 2016. There was a behind the scenes reason for this.
The National Council of La Raza is one of many George Soros funded left leaning organizations. And while rumors George Soros nephew Marc Mezvinsky is married to Bill and Hillary Clinton’s daughter, Chelsea back in 2010 are not true, there is still a Soros-Clinton connection as just revealed this summer.
“Soros’s son to marry Hilary Clinton’s former adviser Huma Abedin” – Times of Israel
So, this is where it gets funny, apparently SNL was not ready to stab Donald Trump in the back just yet in 2015 after Trump made his 2004 appearance where he did “Trump’s Wings”. They, too, seemingly took offense at The Council of La Raza false attack on him as well as SNL itself as he ran against Hillary Clinton. So in 2015 SNL invited him back as the guest host again (probably because of his very successful show “The Apprentice” also on NBC at that time). Apparently, SNL and Trump thought it would be funny to mock the phony charges of racism against him, and it was.
“Donald Trump Monologue – SNL” – Saturday Night Live
Comedian and writer Larry David (Seinfeld show) made a surprise guest appearance to yell at Trump during his monologue from the audience, “You’re a racist!”, and, “Trump’s a racist!” Trump then called out David who admitted to Trump, after being introduced, somebody promised him $5,000 if he would yell that out.
The joke was most all of America knows Donald Trump is not a racist so to mock those who were saying otherwise for a cash return was epic comedy back when SNL was still funny in 2015.
For a timeline for your mind, on June 16, 2015, Donald Trump announced his candidacy for President of the United States at Trump Tower in Manhattan. On November 7, 2015 Trump appeared on Season 41, Episode 4 as guest host of SNL for the second time after his 2004 appearance.
SNL is not the only show who loved Trump before they turned to hate him.
Jimmy Fallon with Trump – Before Presidency
“Trump Lets Jimmy Fallon Mess Up His Hair” – ABC
Jimmy Fallon with Trump – Now (Just this week at a rally.)
“Trump Rips Jimmy Fallon During Rant About Kamala Harris’s Past Claims She Wants To Ban Fracking’ – Forbes
Then we have past television appearances by Donald Trump before the major networks turned on him.
The View and Trump
“Interview: Donald Trump Interview on The View (Walters, Goldberg et al) – March 23, 2011” – Factbase Video
Fresh Prince of Bel-Air and Trump
“Donald Trump Wants To Buy The Banks Family Home | The Fresh Prince Of Bel-Air” – Comedy Central UK
Oprah with Trump
“Oprah Reacts to 1988 Interview with Donald Trump About Being President” – Inside Edition
Of course this article would be remiss if it didn’t mention Trump’s very impressive television show, “The Apprentice” which ran for fifteen seasons on NBC from 2004 to 2017. It was a top rated show and Trump was even offered to come back for yet another season but decided instead to pursue the presidency.
Years ago I began doing a deep dive after a meme kept coming up on the internet, “Liberalism is a mental illness.” What I came to ponder; Is this a joke, or is liberalism really a form of mental illness?
“Elon Musk bashes liberals for having ‘no sense of humor’: ‘Essence of comedy is to reveal the truth‘” – Fox News
While I have yet to formulate a firm conclusion on this question, I do, apparently, ponder the same as Elon Musk. We have both reflected on how liberals seemingly have such an obvious lack of a sense of humor.
I have observed they also seem to lack empathy and compassion and that is very concerning for society as these are all emotions that make us human. Years ago I remember reading a research report that offered conservatives give more to charity in cash than do liberals.
I bring up humor and comedy as many of Donald Trump’s television appearances of the past were related to comedy. Donald Trump is a very naturally funny guy. He has a sense of humor and likes to joke around and family, friends, and fans love him for that! He is known for having a very high IQ as well.
Here is an example of that Donald Trump humor. Former President Donald Trump’s first assassination attempt occurred July 13, 2024 when his right ear was grazed in Butler, Pennsylvania, just missing his whole head. The next day (July 14) he was out golfing where he sank a 20 foot putt and quipped to those around him, “The difference between me and my shooter is I don’t miss.”
“Funny People Have Higher IQs: Here’s Why Humor and Intelligence Go Hand in Hand” – Newsweek
MAGA – Make America Giggle Again!
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