Chart of the Day: How Likely is WWIII Coming to the World?

Contact Your Elected Officials

A new nationwide study from the Trafalgar Group and Convention of States Action (COSA) reveals that 43.4% of US voters believe the country is on the brink of World War III, considering the war in Ukraine, perceived threats against other European nations, and China’s aggressive posture against the US. 30.3% of those polled do not believe we’re on the brink of another world war, while 26.3% are not sure.

See this in the chart below and learn more here.

Oddly enough, Democrats are more worried than Republicans. What? Democrats are either crazy or not supportive of the leader President Biden.

The age demographics are of interest. The youth seem to be careless, and perhaps those over 65 in age may matter less. Gen X seems to be the most concern, perhaps because they are old enough to understand the history and have a longer life to matter.

Here is another point of interest – gender differences. So why are women more worried than men? Perhaps the female “security fear” detector works better for them.

In any case, on queue, Washington warmongers are on a full-court press barreling toward WWIII. In a recent CNN town hall, Samantha Powers is telling us how we need this war for the sake of Democracy a year after Russia invaded Ukraine – even if it means WWIII.

See more Chart of the Day posts.

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