Children With ‘White Lung’ Symptoms Flood Chinese Hospitals; Concerns Rise Over New Wave of COVID-19

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People have suspected that another wave of COVID-19 has started in China, given reported symptoms and the communist regime’s lack of transparency.

Many children in mainland China who are exhibiting high fevers, coughs, and even “white lung” symptoms have flooded hospitals and infected other members of their families, according to Chinese media reports and posts on social media.

Based on the reported symptoms, authorities’ lack of transparency, and the lack of press freedom in China, suspicions point to another outbreak of COVID-19.

Online Chinese news outlet Hongxing News, which belongs to the Chengdu city government, reported that the pediatric outpatient area of Hangzhou First Hospital was already full early on Oct. 17.

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While Director of Pediatrics Dr. Jiang Chunming told local media that in the past two months, the volume of pediatric outpatients had been about 1,000 per day, as of last weekend, the number of outpatient visits reached 1,800 to 1,900.

The wards were full, leaving many children waiting to be admitted.

Dr. Jiang cited a case as an example: A 10-year-old child developed symptoms of repeated coughing and fever. He came to the pediatric clinic on the 12th day of his illness.

“The examination found small black cavities in the white areas of the lungs and partial lung necrosis,” Dr. Jiang said. “The patient was finally diagnosed with mycoplasma pneumonia.”

Beijing is witnessing a period of high incidence of “mycoplasma” pneumonia, which is expected to reach its peak in November, the Chinese Center for Disease Control and Prevention stated on Oct. 12.

“The hospital is fully booked and there are a lot of patients, all suffering from mycoplasma pneumonia, mainly children,” a doctor at Henan Children’s Hospital told The Epoch Times on Oct. 20.

He said that if a child develops a high fever, he or she should be brought to a hospital’s emergency department immediately to get a CT scan, because many children now have developed “white lungs” or even lung necrosis.

By Alex Wu

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