Class Action Lawsuit Filed Against Vaccine Mandates

MAGA News Central: Making American Businesses Great Again

Mat Staver from Liberty Counsel announces that his firm is bringing class action lawsuits to overturn the vaccine mandates.

“The most recent lawsuit we filed is on behalf of the military… all five branches, all 2 million plus federal employees, the 3.7 million civilian contractors. … Biden has issued a mandate that they all get the Covid shot. When they issued that mandate for all the members of the military, they knew the shots were already causing problems, myocarditis in young men 30 and under. …  [Now] if they don’t get one of these injections into their veins they are being threatened with dishonorable discharge. … Moreover what Biden and the DOD are doing is unlawful. They are saying first of all no religious exemptions. That’s unlawful.”

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