CNN Proves Democrat Election Theft 2024 Began in NH!

Contact Your Elected Officials

The Charlie Kirk podcast streamed yesterday online on Real America’s Voice covering the New Hampshire Primary voting. In his 3 hour podcast Kirk states at the 1:21:30 mark of this video:

“This is important everybody. The infiltration is real. I will say this; The amount of Democrats that are self-acknowledging that they voted in this (the NH Republican Primary)… The fact that Donald Trump is maintaining a 10 point margin is remarkable. It’s remarkable. It’s a 10 point margin considering the amount of open primary Democrats and it is very well possible that this margin continues and grows.”

“The New Hampshire Primary Livestream” – Charlie Kirk

Kirk reveals Nikki Haley has taken money from Democrats and now was taking votes from the Democrats to steal away the legitimate election of Donald Trump to be the Republican candidate for the Presidency in 2024 for the State of New Hampshire. He called her actions reprehensible. Blake Neff on the Kirk show said that only 25% of the voters of the New Hampshire Republican Primary were registered Republicans. Other news sources have said as many as 70% of the voters for Haley were registered Democrats who had no intentions of voting for any Republican candidate in November during the General Election.

The reference to Democrat money going to Haley was in regard to this news story from December relating to the Reid Hoffman agenda or plan:

Top Democratic Donor, Reid Hoffman, Gives $250,000 to a Nikki Haley Super PAC: Mr. Hoffman, the co-founder of LinkedIn, has funded an array of anti-Trump candidates and causes.– The New York Times

Arizona candidate for Republican Senator Kari Lake appears at the 1:24:10 minute mark and was asked by Kirk to comment on Democrat infiltration from a remote site directly at the Trump party location of New Hampshire. She said:

“Reid Hoffman tried. He tried to fund this bogus E. Jean Carroll lawsuit against President Trump while he was funding Niki Haley and he is learning a very painful lesson tonight. He just flushed millions down the toilet. You can’t buy the American people anymore. People don’t care about the money. They care about their country. They care about their rights.”

Another absolutely stunning exchange occurred from a CNN exit interview clip Kirk labeled as “Clip #79” where the exchange went like this at the 1:28:35 mark of the Kirk show:

CNN Reporter: Who did you vote for?

Voter: Nikki Haley

CNN Reporter: Why did you vote for Nikki Haley?

Voter: Uh, it’s a vote against Trump. Uh, I think it would be better to have her against Biden in the election then it would be Trump than her.

CNN Reporter: Do you consider yourself, generally, independent, Republican, or Democrat?

Voter: Democrat.

CNN Reporter: So when you undeclared, you voted for Nikki Haley. But what if it is Joe Biden against Nikki Haley in the General Election, who are you voting for?

Voter: Joe Biden.


Call it election interference or voter fraud but what that voter just admitted to should be considered a crime in all 50 states! This is another reason why Republican voters no longer trust the leadership of the GOP. Who wants to donate campaign money to a spineless organization that allows this?

These “open primaries” should be stopped!

Back in November I wrote: “How Infiltrators Can Change Institutions”

This was exactly what I was describing! Democrats of New Hampshire worked overtime yesterday to circumvent the will of Republican voters to eliminate Donald Trump as their Republican 2024 Presidential Candidate and this is wrong and should be illegal. If New Hampshire refuses to close this little loophole in our election process, they should be forced to be the last primary of the United States rather than the first!


Because their primary process can lead to a false presumption of candidate popularity and choice and thus influence other state primaries held thereafter! A process this tainted does not deserve to be first in the country. It deserves to be last!

The law of the land should be the party you register to primary in is the party you vote in at the election!

Simple. No more shenanigans and no more games!

Copyright © 2024 by Mark S. Schwendau

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