Utah Passes Conceal Carry Firearms Amendments

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First term Governor, Spencer Cox, the Republican governor of Utah, signed a measure into law that allows people in the state to carry a concealed gun without a permit.

“With the passage of this bill, Utah joins 17 other states with some form of permitless concealed carry,” Gov. Cox, said in a statement to news outlets.

“This bill protects Second Amendment rights, reduces permitless open carry (which is already legal), and includes significant funding for suicide prevention.”

The Conceal Carry Firearms Amendments bill modifies provisions related to carrying a concealed firearm and suicide prevention.

Highlighted Provisions:

This bill:

  • provides that an individual who is 21 years old or older, and may lawfully possess a firearm, may carry a concealed firearm in a public area without a permit;
  • provides for the transfer of unused funds in the Concealed Weapons Account to the Division of Substance Abuse and Mental Health for suicide prevention efforts; and
  • creates the Suicide Prevention and Education Fund within the division for suicide prevention efforts.

Conceal Carry Firearms Amendments PDF


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