Congressman Matt Gaetz Unveils Legislation to Ban Federal Support for Vaccine Passports

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Washington, D.C. — Yesterday evening, U.S. Congressman Matt Gaetz (FL-01), along with Reps. Louie Gohmert (TX-01) and Lance Gooden (TX-05), introduced H.R. 3660, the “Digital Health Pass Prevention Act (DHPPA)” of 2021. This bill, if passed, will prevent the federal government from funding and enforcing any program that uses digital health passes, which are used to verify an individual’s COVID-19 vaccination status unrelated to official health care records.

“We will not allow the public health bureaucracy to be a new entity to drain our liberty away in the United States of America. The federal government has no business asking Americans for their vaccination status, and they should not have the ability to use taxpayer funds to support third parties who do. Americans will not trade mask mandates for vaccine mandates. I urge every freedom fighter in the Congress to join my efforts to ban federal support for vaccine passports,” said Congressman Gaetz.

Full text of the Digital Health Pass Prevention Act of 2021 may be found BELOW and HERE.


H.R. 3660 Digital Health Pass Prevention Act PDF


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