Covert Attacks on the Second Amendment by Ammo  

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New York Attorney General Letitia James is leading a coalition of some 20 US states including New York, Arizona, California, Connecticut, Delaware, the District of Columbia, Hawaii, Illinois, Maine, Maryland, Massachusetts, Michigan, Minnesota, Nevada, New Jersey, New Mexico, Oregon, Rhode Island, Vermont, and Washington, sending a letter to the White House, suggesting restrictions on the sale of military-grade ammunition to civilians.

Specifically what these socialist Democrats are up to are twofold:

  • A way to ban ammo used in AR-15 assault style weapons.
  • A backdoor way to determine the physical locations of AR-15 assault style weapon.

The gun we are talking about here is the most popular gun style sold in America these days. Most AR-15 rifles come chambered for 5.56×45mm bullets. This 5.56 ammunition is used for legitimate activities such as self-defense and recreational shooting. Anti-gunners, who are generally pretty ignorant of gun ownership, ask the question, “What the heck do you need a military grade weapon for when you are not on the battlefield?”

Again, even though I do not own one, I have shot one. My responses are threefold:

  • If you were ever in the wild and were confronted by a wild animal you know was coming to kill and eat you, such as a grizzly bear, wild boar, big cat, or alligator, you would want an assault rifle to stop and/or drop the animal.
  • If you have never shot rifles in competitive meets shooting against other shooters, you haven’t experienced one of the coolest experiences of life. It is so worthwhile it has been in the Olympics since 1896.
  • A variety of very funny and historically accurate memes of these times is circulating the Internet right now. One reads, “In 1776 the British demanded we surrender our weapons. So we shot them.” Another meme that is not so much funny as historically accurate reads, “At no time in history have the people coming to take guns been the good guys.”

The socialist Democrats approach of violating the privacy rights and penalizing law abiding gun owners is unjust and un-American as it encroaches on the Constitutional 2A Right of Americans. If you think of the average American gun owner as what the National Rifle Association (NRA) calls “a good guy with a gun”, the last thing they want is their anonymity blown, just like any other law abiding member of law enforcement in plain clothes. When it comes to bad guys verses good guys, it is the old shell game. The bad guys never know who or where the good guys are and what kind of heat they are packing.

“‘Dumbest criminal’ tries to rob officer at a cop convention gathering – The LA Times

Another method the socialist Democrats are working to disarm America is their newest scheme of ammo registration. The way it will work is any ammo sold will be tracked to a physical street address where a specific gun would be suspected to be. In other words, if you buy 5.56 ammo, you would be assumed to be in possession of an AR-15 style rifle that uses it.

“UNTOLD Truth About Why The Government Wants Ammo Registration” – Best Guns

Make no mistake, the game plan of the socialist Democrats is to throw so much poop (new gun legislation) at the wall (courts) that Second Amendment protection organizations are drained financially while some of it sticks and must be appealed to higher courts. Take for example the socialist Democrats of New York.

In July of 2022, despite the Supreme Court’s decision in the Bruen case just concluded which stated that New York’s draconian “may issue” conceal carry permitting system was unconstitutional, New York State Legislators and Governor Kathy Hochul passed into law the “Concealed Carry Improvement Act,” which does anything but improve your right to conceal carry a handgun.

The Gun Owners of America (GOA) immediately filed litigation as the CCIA law of New York was an easily recognized obstruction to the Second Amendment.


I can’t help but think of what George Washington, the father of our country and first general of our military, would do if he came back from the grave today. I am positive he would order women like NY AG Letitia James and Gov. Kathy Hochul imprisoned for life for treason and order all related men such as NY legislators hung for same. Scholars of American History, prove me wrong!

Another deep thought I have had, being a realist rather than a racist, realistically, if you look at the math, most gun murders of the killing field of Democrat-held Chicago are committed by minorities on minorities with handguns, not assault rifles. An article in the Chicago Tribune of May 27, 2022, titled “Are Chicago’s gun laws the strictest in the United States?” concluded “Chicago’s gun laws are among the most restrictive in the United States.” So how does Chicago become such a killing field for so many black youth?

Simple, most of the guns used in crimes are stolen and the shooters are not authorized to be in possession of them in the first place. In other words, “Criminals do not follow gun laws!” If Democrat Illinois Governor J.B. Pritzker really cared about these deaths in Chicago, he would be laser focused on the problem which is not assault weapons!

Instead, he opts to focus on one incident in Highland Park, Illinois, which, for all we know, could have been a psychological operation (PSYOP) mission (using unconventional techniques) to disarm Illinoisans of their assault weapons. This suspicion could explain the lack of compliance to Pritzker’s new Protect Illinois Citizen’s Act (PICA). Also, the law is idiotic as it does not stop a mass shooter from another state coming to Illinois to commit the same crime all over again.  

Again, if socialist Democrats were serious about the problem of mass shootings in America, they would be demanding blood tests of all mass shooters after these events to determine if they were medicated with psychotropic medications for symptoms of any psychiatric or neurologic illnesses.

Finally, if we want to get serious about mass shootings, it might be good to focus on political affiliations of mass shooters. Even though the fake news media likes to lie about it, most mass shooters are liberal Democrats. I would challenge the media to find one MAGA Republican mass shooter based on voting records.

Copyright © 2024 by Mark S. Schwendau

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