Covid-19 is Looking Like Another Plot Against President Trump

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This is one of the most chilling things not reported by our news media. A news story that should be front and center in the world today is actually being blacked out!

The story involves the desire of Congress to interview Dr. Anthony Fauci relative to his response to the 2019-20 coronavirus crisis before the House Appropriations Committee. But a spokesman for that committee told an NBC News reporter Friday the White House was blocking that from happening!

 “The Appropriations Committee sought Dr. Anthony Fauci as a witness at a Labor-HHS-Education Subcommittee hearing on the COVID-19 response. “We have been informed by an administration official that the White House has blocked Dr. Fauci from testifying,” spokesperson, Evan Hollander, said.

Fauci had been asked to appear before the House subcommittee on May 6 but the White House rejected that request. Instead, “The White House said they will allow Fauci to testify before a Senate Health Committee hearing of May 12”, said House subcommittee Chairman Lamar Alexander, R-Tenn., to NBC news.

Fauci, was the head of the National Institutes of Allergy and Infectious Diseases and a key adviser in the Trump administration’s fight against the coronavirus pandemic. He was a key spokesperson at the White House coronavirus briefings along with Dr. Deborah Birx. Fauci seemed to be going for celebrity status doing numerous media interviews on the Covid-19 virus.

Dr. Deborah Leah Birx is an American physician and diplomat who served as the White House Coronavirus Response Coordinator under President Donald Trump from 2020 to 2021. Birx specialized in HIV/AIDS immunology, vaccine research, as well as global health.

“The Incredible Story Of How Mike Pence & Deborah Birx Sabotaged President Trump’s Covid Response” – Sunfellow On COVID-19

White House spokesman, Judd Deere, said in a written statement the May 6 hearing would not be an “appropriate” time for Fauci to go before the House.

 “Watch Fauci Faces CRITICISM At Hearing After Jim Jordan Exposes DISGUSTING Secret”

Here are some concrete reasons why Tony Fauci and Deb Birx should be investigated by the DOJ and FBI relative to their involvement in the COVID-19 pandemic. It is to be noted I have been a student of this virus since I was dismissed from my job as a CAD designer in July of 2020.

  • Fauci is a lifetime Democrat.
  • Fauci is not a virologist.
  • Fauci predicted the pandemic was coming in 2017 after Trump became president.

“Dr. Fauci Predicted a Pandemic Under Trump in 2017”

  • Fauci was involved in both the HIV and AIDS viruses dating back to their inception in 1979.
  • Fauci has been involved in gain-of-function (GOF) viruses. HIV/AIDS and COVID-19 are man-made GOF viruses.
  • Fauci has personally profited off of this research.
  • Research in COVID-19 began at the University of North Carolina until it was moved to Wuhan, China for reasons unknown.
  • Fauci had a hand in both the development of the COVID-19 virus and the Moderna cure.
  • Fauci wrongfully redefined the definition of a “vaccine”.
  • Fauci developed the “Fauci Protocol” which both doctors and hospitals were required to adhere to or suffer the possibility of loss of licenses and/or funding. They were paid money by the taxpayers to treat COVID-19 patients. The pandemic is what increased the national debt under President Trump.
  • Fauci worked to block availability of both Ivermectin and Hydroxychloroquine while operating a misinformation campaign against both time-trusted drugs.
  • Part of the Fauci Protocol called for people with really bad COVID-19 symptoms to be put on ventilators and he pushed President Trump to produce more of them using his Emergency Powers Act. Yet 90% of all those put on ventilators with COVID-19 died.
  • Nobody ever died from AIDS or COVID-19. The fact is 100% of all of those who contracted these engineered viruses died of Pneumonia after these two man-made viruses weakened their immune systems.
  • The experimental gene modification drugs falsely promoted as vaccines violated informed consent.
  • A number of doctors came out against the use of mRNA vaccines to treat COVID-19 and they were censored. The most notable was one of the inventors of mRNA technology, Dr. Robert Malone.
  • The Fauci Protocol violated HIPAA rules and regulations.  
  • The Joe Biden “vaccine mandate” was illegal and unconstitutional and yet another time he went back on his word (December 2020 to October 2021).
  • Vaccine adverse events and deaths were never properly documented and recorded starting in January of 2021 when the vaccines were first publically available.
  • It is up to the leaders of individual countries to prosecute people for “Crimes Against Humanity”.

Nobody has done more to find the truth in the COVID-19 pandemic than Senator and Doctor Rand Paul (KY-R). Senator Paul began grilling Fauci 2 years ago and this exchange began to reveal the real story.

“Exchange between Sen. Rand Paul and Dr. Anthony Fauci”


My wife became sick with COVID-19 in December of 2021. I took care of her for a week before she was admitted in the hospital ICU close to death with COVID-19 (blood oxygen 63). She was in the hospital for 10 days.

I got nothing (blood oxygen 93). Nobody wanted to answer my questions or do a news story on my phenomena. They did not even offer to COVID-19 test me. I did not fit the desired narrative.

The concept of the news media as America’s fourth branch of government comes from a belief the media’s responsibility to inform the populace is essential to the healthy functioning of a democracy. They are not doing that. They are guilty of censorship and misinformation.

This latest news about these Fauci email exchanges is so important it caused the richest man in the western hemisphere to remind his favorite pronouns, “My pronouns are Prosecute/Fauci,” Musk said in a tweet Monday night. This was apparently his replay of a tweet he first posted on Dec 11, 2022 as a response to this latest news of Rep. Jim Jordan (OH-R) on Capitol Hill.

When crimes go unprosecuted, the criminals at large become repeat offenders just because they can.

Copyright © 2024 by Mark S. Schwendau

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