Covid-19 Pandemic and Vaccines Now Openly Questioned

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By now it seems that almost everyone has a family member or friend that seemingly has been vaccine injured and people are talking about it more openly without passing judgement relative to vaccinated verses unvaccinated. Some recent stories have picked up steam and are most interesting as the narrative of “safe and effective” is blowing up in real time.

A story worth diving into is that of a former California nurse who turned whistleblower to reveal what went on behind Dr. Tony Fauci’s Wizard of Oz curtain. She has multiple video interviews all over the internet.

A former Fresno, California nurse, Liz Rena, with 20 years’ experience, has become a whistleblower becoming known internationally. She is exposing the fraud that existed in the healthcare industry during the Covid-19 pandemic and related “Fauci Protocol” of 2020 and 2021. She stopped nursing in California because of the state’s vaccine mandates remaining unvaxxed.  She reports the most tyrannical states were New York and California.

“Whistleblower Nurse Liz Rena – Hospitals Empty Until they were Rewarded for following Covid Protocol” – Waking the World Up

Nurse Rena has shared that Fresno, California hospitals were empty in April and May of 2020 and internally, doctors were saying Covid-19 was a fake disease, it was just the flu, and we should just ignore it. She said as the mainstream news reported hospitals were filling up the hospitals were actually EMPTY.

The Public Health Service Act was used to declare a public health emergency (PHE) in the entire United States on January 31, 2020. This then paved the way to for the Covid-19 (Fauci) Protocol to be enacted.

Once these Covid-19 mandates began being enforced, everything changed, she said. The mandates made the hospitals greedy with the Fed’s offer of Covid-19 bonus monies for following the different Fauci procedures.

She explains how the “Fauci Protocol” was a package whereby the hospital was rewarded for Covid-19 diagnoses which included two weeks in the hospital and treatment even if they were not sure you were sick with Covid-19.

Rena explains the HUGE financial gain for hospitals when they used ventilators and followed the entire Fauci Protocol. She reports a concluding portion was the use of the new experimental drug Remdesivir which has since been determined can destroy the kidneys.

Nurse Rena claims people who had COPD, Heart Disease, or Lung Disease were intentionally and inappropriately diagnosed with Covid-19 and treated with the Fauci Protocol. She said they then would die. She says they were murdered because hospitals became blinded by the Federal reimbursement money they were being offered by way of the Fauci Protocol.

It is to be noted that we reported on a statistic related to this prior that holds that 9 out of 10 people placed on ventilators actually died.

Some people have falsely blamed former President Donald Trump as they say he was pushing the use of ventilators. He even used his emergency powers to order up more ventilators made by industries which could accommodate the demand.

The reason why this is yet another lie is President Trump was simply taking directions from Dr. Tony Fauci and Dr. Deb Birx as his Covid-19 experts and advisors. Both are registered Democrats who many now ponder if they were not part of a conspiracy to remove Trump from office in the 2020 election.  Birx has since written a book where she seemingly admits to providing the President misinformation.

When her book dropped in April of 2022, those who read it had their jaws dropping as Birx admitted she, and Fauci, made up “The Science” we were all to follow on such things as lockdowns and social distancing.

Birx made several other stunning admissions as well. First she told the “Daily Mail” Covid-19 “came out of the box ready to infect” when it hit Wuhan, China in 2019 and that it may have been created by Chinese scientists who were “working on coronavirus vaccines.”

Then, Jesse Waters of Fox News, reported Birx admitted in her book that she, and Fauci, were essentially shooting from the hip when it came to national directives such as “two weeks to stop the spread,” and social distancing requirements.

According to Waters, Birx “admitted to making things up.” Essentially, she and Fauci were lying to the President and to the American people with their newly minted Covid protocols.

With the first lie, “15 days to stop the spread”, Birx wrote, “No sooner had we convinced the Trump administration to implement our version of the two-week shutdown than I was trying to figure out how to extend it.”

“So that 15 days to slow the spread was just a sneaky way to get their hooks into us, so they could lock us down for longer,” Waters opines. “And if you dared to leave your house, Birx told us, the only way to stay safe was to social distance.”

Another lie of Birx and Fauci to President Trump and the American public Birx wrote, “I had settled on 10 (feet) knowing that even that was too many, but I figured that ten would at least be palatable for most Americans, high enough to allow for most gatherings of immediate family but not enough for large dinner parties and, critically, large weddings, birthday parties, and other mass social events…”


Were hospitals of America incentivized by the Feds to misdiagnose patients and fudge causes of deaths to Covid-19 according to the Fauci protocol?  Whistleblower Nurse Liz Rena seems to think so.

When the Federal Government talks about any kind of “emergency” you can bet there will be a lot of taxpayer money involved to follow some protocols or mandates involved thereafter.  

Also read:

“Biden’s Planned Climate Emergency Ploy”

As an independent journalist, the most common question I get asked is where people who are vaccine injured or know of somebody vaccine injured can get help. I simply mention 6 names of people.

Senator Dr. Rand Paul, MD, R-KY (

Senator Ron Johnson, R-WI (

Dr. Simone Gold, MD, JD (

Steve Kirsch, MIT Engineer and Entrepreneur (

Dr. Robert Malone, MD inventor of the mRNA technology (

Attorney Thomas Renz, who noted the absence of consent for Covid vaccines (

These 6 people, to me, seem to be at the forefront of exposing what is the truth about both the pandemic and related vaccines.

Copyright © 2024 by Mark S. Schwendau

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