CPI: Conservative Partnership Institute

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CPI - Conservative Partnership Institute
United States Capitol


The Conservative Partnership Institute is quickly becoming the most essential conservative organization in Washington.

While today’s Washington is designed to defeat conservatives, CPI is designed to build them up. CPI trains, equips, and brings together the movement’s best leaders—and they do it right here, where and when conservative heroes need them.

Former South Carolina Senator Jim DeMint launched CPI in 2017 with one mission: to serve and support the conservative movement on Capitol Hill. Now, with a team of standup conservative leaders, including Senior Partner and Former White House Chief of Staff Mark Meadows, CPI is delivering on this mission every day.

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What CPI Does

Whether it’s Big Tech, leftist organizations, or members of their own party—nearly every force in Washington is working against those who stick their necks out to put America first.

From Day One, the Washington establishment teaches candidates that if they play ball, they will be showered with special interest donations, receive plum committee assignments, and attract adoration by the media.

They also learn that if they fight for conservative principles, they’ll be denied the resources and the access they need to win policy battles.

This is why, first and foremost, CPI is a support organization. They provide the practical, timely, relevant support conservatives need.

Conservative Partnership Institute forms and leads coalitions. They vet, train, and place congressional staff who will work with—not against—members. They bring together freedom fighters in the House and Senate for regular strategy sessions. And they provide convenient, high-tech broadcast studio and meeting spaces to members and allies.


CPI’s responsive, servant philosophy makes us unique—and so does our strategic location. When members are attacked or targeted for cancellation, they come to CPI’s Conservative Partnership Center at 300 Independence Ave. for the support and resources they need to keep going.

Each year, Conservative Partnership Institute hosts a Conservative Members Retreat for conservatives in Congress. Attendees leave better equipped to thwart the left’s agenda and advance conservative initiatives on the Hill.

CPI regularly convenes members of the Senate Steering Committee, the House Freedom Caucus, Congressional Chiefs of Staff, and Congressional Legislative Directors to sharpen both messaging and strategy.

CPI also leads consensus-building projects, bringing groups together in a way that actually moves the needle on tough issues. CPI is helping conservatives work together to fight back against Big Tech censorship, in partnership with Media Research Center and others.

And, through their Election Integrity Network, they’re getting key players across the country together to restore the election integrity safeguards the left is trying to tear down.

CPI also helps new conservative groups to get off the ground. CPI provided the administrative, staffing, and legal support needed to launch America First Legal and Citizens for Renewing America. Both groups are already winning important battles against the left. America First Legal is taking on the Biden administration’s unlawful conduct—from open borders to race-based loan forgiveness. Center for Renewing America is working with state and federal legislators to ban the implementation of critical race theory.

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The CPI team brings decades of strategic communications experience to the fight. They’ve gone to battle against the leftist media and the Washington establishment. They know what it takes to break through, and they are equipping conservative communicators with the messaging and support they need to be effective.

CPI Studios, our state-of-the-art media center, is now home to 15 podcasts, eight constituent video projects, and constant visits by members of Congress and allied groups. In less time than it takes to eat lunch, members can conduct media and TV interviews from our studios and still make it back to the U.S. Capitol for an important vote.

Conservative Partnership Institute is also creating cancel-proof communicators through our “Revere Project.” These days it takes more than a fast horse to get the message out. It takes an expert knowledge of digital marketing, social media, communications, speechwriting, and video editing. That is what our Revere Project teaches.

Training and Staff

Winning on the Hill doesn’t happen by accident. Conservative members need like-minded staffers who are dedicated to the cause and know how to get things done. CPI provides regular trainings on House and Senate procedure, taught by experts who know what it takes to be effective. CPI hosts regular training sessions and classes for congressional staff—covering House and Senate rules and floor strategy.

And they don’t stop at simply training great staffers. Personnel is policy, which CPI identifies, interviews, and places proven conservatives on the Hill and in organizations throughout Washington. To date, they’ve pitched hundreds of top-notch candidates for positions in key House and Senate offices. Conservative Partnership Institute recently expanded their team to prepare to staff new offices after the 2022 midterm elections.


Whether you are a conservative member of Congress or a staffer serving in a conservative office, Washington does not reward you for being a patriot. Principled fighters are isolated, ostracized, and made to feel completely alone—but not at CPI.

CPI’s Conservative Partnership Center provides a home base and a networking hub for conservatives. They help them to build the relationships and support necessary to thrive in an environment that too often strips them of their resolve. Nearly every day of the week, you’ll find their facilities filled with conservatives connecting with one another, recharging, and getting back out to win.

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Election Integrity Network

Election Integrity Network is a project of Conservative Partnership Institute. We are a coalition of conservative leaders, organizations, public officials and citizens dedicated to securing the legality of every American vote.

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