Insanity is described as repeatedly doing the same thing but expecting a different outcome. After Trump’s address to a joint session of congress, we can absolutely conclude Democrats are insane.
During the address, a Democrat representative was thrown out after breaking congressional rules of conduct, several of them walked out. Least effectively of all, they displayed small placards with sayings on them, as if they were participants at some kind of stupidity auction.
All the absurdity and comical performances prove that Democrats are the clowns of the circus that is American government.
All the demonstrations and histrionics at the speech were a repeat of their behavior prior to, during, and now after last fall’s election.
Democrats be crazy, engaged in the same idiotic angry outbursts to no effect, but expecting some other outcome.
According to the Encyclopedia Britannica a political party is, “a group of persons organized to acquire and exercise political power.”
A political party is not a group of people organized to throw hissy fits, nor to make fools of themselves. Although the latter may be a requirement for entry into the Democrat party.
A political party is not defined by the opposition to, or hate for, an individual. It is determined by the contrast of its set of beliefs on policy and governance as compared to that of another party.
Democrats aren’t for anything anymore. They are simply against Trump.
A truth Trump acknowledged in his speech when he said, “I look at the Democrats in front of me, and I realize there is absolutely nothing I can say to make them happy or to make them stand or smile or applaud, nothing I can do.”
When Trump asked, regarding the Ukraine war, “Do you want to keep it going for another five years?” Senator Elizabeth Warren-D MA clapped appearing to support half a decade more of war.
The part-time Native American and full-time ding-a-ling smirked while she clapped as Trump said, “Yeah, yeah, you would say, “Pocahontas says yes.”
Here is a list of things that Democrats, as proven by their actions, statements and responses during Trump’s oration, support.
1. Open borders with no limits on crossings and no enforcement.
2. Men participating in female sports.
3. Fraud and waste in government.
4. War
This is how nutty Trump has made Democrats.
The Democrats’ toddler-tantrum included sitting on their hands and, just as with their policies, not standing for anything.
They didn’t stand for a Border Patrol Agent, a teenager set on joining our military, a 13-year-old cancer survivor, a girl permanently injured by a trans athlete, or the mothers of children killed and brutalized by illegal immigrants.
They just sat on their collective brains and showed the entire country what a mindless group they’ve become.
In the immediate aftermath of the speech a CBS poll showed that among those who watched, 76% approved.
As with the congressional goofballs, CBS News staff felt compelled to add some blathering context to the poll stating, “The viewership was heavily Republican”.
CBS’ own data about poll participants showed that 51% of viewers were Republican. Half of the audience, at least for CBS News, is “heavily Republican”.
Trump has battered and beaten the Democrats into a state of senselessness. Dazed and disoriented they no longer know who they are or in what they believe. They only know they hate Trump and in their fevered brains that loathing has driven them off a cliff like a plague of progressive lemmings.
Crazed and confused Democrats are headed to the dustbin of history if they can’t come to their senses.