Dan Crenshaw Sets the Record Straight on COVID Response

Contact Your Elected Officials

Setting the Record Straight On Trump COVID Response (Part 1)

Dave Rubin of The Rubin Report talks to Dan Crenshaw (Congressman, Former Navy SEAL) about the US government’s response to the COVID-19 pandemic. Dan calls out some of the media’s misrepresentation of President Trump’s actions and sets the record straight on the timeline of events of how the government responded as Coronavirus began spreading around the world. Dan shares his disappointment with leaders like Senator Chuck Schumer and Nancy Pelosi for using this crisis to play partisan politics. Dan points out that it was the Obama administration that did not replenish the strategic national stockpile of N95 masks and PPE supplies. He also feels that our for profit healthcare system is one of the main reasons that we have not run out of ventilators or ICU beds.

Another Insane Rule That Isn’t Keeping Anyone Safe (Part 2)

Dave Rubin of The Rubin Report talks to Dan Crenshaw (Congressman, Former Navy SEAL) about the US government’s response to the COVID-19 pandemic. Dan discusses some of the more absurd rules that have been put in place by government leaders during the COVID-19 pandemic that he feels infringe on civil liberties, but do nothing to benefit public health or keep us safe. He also gives his honest opinion about the stimulus bill and the accusations of “pork” that were in it. Dan also shares a realistic view of how we can live with the virus in a way that balances both economic and public health concerns.

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