Dave Weldon dumped as CDC nominee; is anybody talking about the real secret here?
I am; the scandal they want you to forget
This is so BIG.
And here’s the punch line—there is no way the Senate wanted Dave Weldon to take the slot as CDC director. Why? Because Dave knows stuff. Bad stuff. HEAVY stuff about the CDC.
Dave knows some CDC crimes that’ll make the American people jump off their couches with their hair on fire as they’re watching the TV news.
And if Dave won confirmation and went over to the CDC as chief honcho, one day a lying vaccine researcher could walk into his office and start spouting a mountain of crap about ‘safe and effective,’ and Dave could drop his nice-guy front and hit the ceiling and decide to blow the whole Agency COMPLETELY out of the water.
Which he definitely could.
As you’ll see as you read this story of corruption and betrayal and cover-up—a story Dave knows chapter and verse.
Keep that in mind as I unwind the tale. Dave knows the whole sordid thing. And in the past, he’s proved he has major balls.
The news media are saying Weldon “didn’t have the votes” for confirmation. He’s too “anti-vaxx.”
There’s something much more specific, though.
Children’s Health Defense writes: “On March 12, STAT News reported, under the headline, ‘How CDC nominee Dave Weldon’s support for anti-vaccine theories runs long and deep’ that [then-Congressman] Weldon in 2004 asked the U.S. House Appropriations Committee chair to fund an autism research center that would be led by Dr. Andrew Wakefield.”
“Wakefield was the first author of the 1998 study, published and later retracted in The Lancet, that linked the MMR vaccine to autism in certain children.”
Any bells ringing yet?
Weldon wanted Wakefield to head up an official autism research center.
At that point, as far as mainstream medicine was concerned, Wakefield was Public Enemy Number One, and the ‘experts’ had raked him over the coals as a complete fraud, for suggesting the MMR vaccine was a cause of autism.
Read Full Article on JonRappoport.substack.com
More on the Dave Weldon dumping by the Senate—no CDC directorship for you, Dave
Why did CDC researcher William Thompson confess, in 2014, that he had…
Cooked an MMR vaccine study and omitted data showing a vaccine-autism connection among young black boys?
Well, he had already confessed on the phone to researcher Brian Hooker…
But was apparently unaware Hooker was recording the phone calls.
When Thompson found out Hooker had the truth on a recording, he was nailed to the wall.
So he went public with a confession, and the CDC tap danced and lied its way through the ensuing scandal.
Imagine how big the scandal could have gotten. The CDC hid a vaccine-autism connection in YOUNG BLACK BOYS.
Thompson knew that “disgraced researcher” Andy Wakefield wasn’t disgraced at all. Wakefield had ALREADY described an MMR vaccine connection in HIS OWN published paper—which was retracted by The Lancet.
Wakefield was discredited and blasted out of the mainstream by heavy medical hitters. Thompson felt very guilty about that…because Thompson could have thrown Andy a lifeline…if Thompson publicly said:
“Andy was right. I found an MMR vaccine connection, too. We both did. Andy is a fine researcher…”
A sordid story—and Dave Weldon, a Florida Congressman at the time, knew it all. He knew Wakefield. In 2004, Dave had submitted Andy’s name as the guy to lead a new autism center that would investigate vaccines and autism.
Dave had submitted “the disgraced researcher,” Andy, as the man who would do the job right.
Dave, in those days, didn’t care that mainstream medical honchos had made Andy persona non grata.
Gotta hand it to Dave.
So now, in 2025, Dave is up to HEAD THE WHOLE CDC.
Are you kidding? The Senate is going to let Dave loose inside the CDC to possibly wreak havoc?