David Perdue For Governor Georgia

Contact Your Elected Officials

David Perdue Is A Fighter And A Champion For Hard-Working Georgians.

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On The Issues

Secure Our Elections

Georgians deserve assurance that only legal votes will be counted, and that any illegal votes will not be counted. It’s just that simple. David has proposed an Election Law Enforcement Division to enforce election laws, investigate election crimes and fraud, and arrest those who commit these offenses. In addition, David has called for election results to be independently audited before certification. These are common sense steps to restore confidence in our elections and ensure transparency and accountability in our system.

If you feel like your voice was not heard in the last election, the only way to fight back is to vote. Put David Perdue in the Governor’s office, and he will ensure Georgia has the safest and securest elections in the country.

Rise Up 'Deplorables': Rallying Round Pro-America Businesses

Eliminate State Income Tax

As Governor, David wants to completely eliminate the state income tax and allow Georgians to keep more of their hard-earned money. Career politicians will say it can’t be done, but David is a business guy who knows how to get results. Georgia is home to an outstanding workforce, but we’re falling behind states like Florida, Texas, and Tennessee, which all have no state income tax. It’s time to make our state more competitive to ensure economic opportunity for everyone.

Empower Parents In Classrooms

Both of David’s parents were public school teachers, and he knows that the best decisions about a child’s education are made between parents and teachers. Unfortunately, the left is making a sustained effort to shut parents out of schools. David has proposed a Parents’ Bill of Rights to empower parents to be involved in their children’s education, including access to curricula and the right to visit the school during instructional hours. His proposal would give parents a straightforward way to sue school systems that violate their rights. When David is Governor, he’ll ensure every Georgia student has access to a quality education, regardless of their zip code. Kids will be able to go to school in person, without mask mandates, and David will never allow divisive ideology like Critical Race Theory to be taught in Georgia classrooms.

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Support Our Military & Veterans

Georgia is a proud military state, with nine bases and nearly 700,000 veterans calling Georgia home. As a member of the Senate Armed Services Committee, David helped bring new missions to Georgia’s bases and support our military’s overall readiness. David delivered the first-ever full financial audit of the Department of Defense, helping to ensure military resources are used as effectively as possible. As Governor, David will continue to stand strong with our military men and women, and he’ll always fight to ensure our veterans receive the care they deserve.

Enact Term Limits

As an outsider, David firmly believes we need more citizen legislators, not career politicians. Georgians want tried and true leaders who will get results. For too long, career politicians have focused more on advancing their own careers than helping the people they were elected to serve. As Governor, David will work with the General Assembly to enact term limits for all statewide executive officers in Georgia.

Public Safety

Georgians are fed up that elected officials continue to stand by and do nothing as their communities are torn apart by violent crime. In Democrat-run cities like Atlanta, many people have been forced to live in fear after repeated carjackings, shootings, and armed robberies in their once-safe neighborhoods. Cracking down on crime is a matter of resources, people, and focus. As Governor, David will make needed investments to improve public safety, fully staff our police departments, and lock up violent criminals. Every Georgian deserves to feel safe in their own community. This is just one of the reasons why David has called for the people of Buckhead to have the right to vote on cityhood.

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About David Perdue

David Perdue Is The Original Outsider. When first elected to to the U.S. Senate in 2014, he was the only Fortune 500 CEO in Congress. He grew up in Middle Georgia, the son of two public school teachers, and paid his way through Georgia Tech by working warehouse and construction jobs. He has over 40 years of business experience, leading the Reebok athletic brand and Dollar General stores, where he created thousands of jobs and helped working families make it from payday to payday. While at Dollar General, David served as Chairman of the National Commission on Literacy and Workforce Development.

Prior to his decisive Senate election in 2014, David had never held public office before. David and his wife Bonnie met in first grade and have been married for over 40 years. They have two sons and three grandsons. They were inspired to get involved in the political process for the first time to help change the direction of our country for their kids and grandkids.

As an outsider, David is a champion for term-limits and free-market economic principles. Guided by his Middle Georgia values, David has a proven record of getting results for Georgia. In the U.S. Senate, he secured funding to deepen the port of Savannah, helped bring new missions to Georgia’s military bases, and delivered disaster relief for our farmers. 

David is now running for governor to secure our elections, eliminate the state income tax, put parents back in charge of their children’s education, and make our communities safe again.

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Rise Up 'Deplorables': Rallying Round Pro-America Businesses