Debunking the ‘Far-Right Extremist’ Lie; Uvalde Shooting Undermines Gun-Grab Narrative—With Trevor Loudon

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Senate Republicans recently voted down a bill intended to combat what Democrats say is a rise in domestic terrorism, noting the bill constituted the creation of “thought police” offices within federal agencies. On a deeper level, however, the arguments for the bill were based on a false pretense that a recent mass shooting in Buffalo, New York, was done by a “far-right extremist.” In reality, the shooter appeared to be a far-left National Bolshevist, as have others. We invite Trevor Loudon, host of Counterpunch and author of “Enemies Within,” to explain this.

In other news, another mass shooting recently took place in Uvalde, Texas, where a man shot and killed 19 children and two teachers at an elementary school. The tragedy is being used politically by Democrats to advance an agenda against firearms, yet emerging information has undermined a central argument to the gun control narrative—that firearms are not needed for defense, when police provide this as a service—since police waited nearly an hour to stop the shooter, out of fear for their own safety.

In this live Q&A with Crossroads host Joshua Philipp, we’ll discuss these stories and others, and answer questions from the audience.

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