Defeat The Mandates March On Washington

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Defeat The Mandates March on Washington

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It is our time to step peacefully into history. We are gathering together in peace and solidarity for the preservation of personal sovereignty and to STOP medical coercion, discrimination and mandates.

The Plan

Please arrive at the Washington Monument by 10:30am. We start marching together to the Lincoln Memorial (approximately 1 mile) at 11:30am. At 12:30pm a wide range of featured guests will be waiting. Recording artists, prominent doctors, journalists, pro athletes, actors and premier thought leaders will give a series of inspiring talks and musical performances.

War Memorials – Moments of Silence & Prayer
Participants are encouraged to pause near the War Memorials along the route to remember those who have sacrificed lives and loved ones so that America might be free. The memorials along the route are the World War II Memorial, D.C. War Memorial, Korean War Veterans Memorial, and the Vietnam Veterans Memorial.

At noon, along the march route from the Washington Monument to the Lincoln Memorial, brief remarks by the Task Force co-chairs will be followed by prayer led by Save the Persecuted Christians.

United we stand, in peace we march. We proudly support all Americans and their freedoms!

The march will begin at 11:30am at the Washington Monument and continue to the steps of the Lincoln Memorial.

Recording artists, prominent doctors, journalists, pro athletes, actors and premier thought leaders will give a series of inspiring “TED talks” and musical performances at the Lincoln Memorial.

Steve Kirsch, Dr. Robert Malone, Dr. Robert Kennedy, Jr.,

Live in Washington, DC!

Sunday, January 23, 2022 @ 11:30am EST 

Starting at the Washington Monument 

Sign-up For The March Today

Visit Defeat The Mandates March on Washington Website

We Are Standing Up

No to Vaccine Mandates.

No to Vaccine Passports.

No to Vaccinating Healthy Children.

No to Censorship.

No to Limits on Reasonable Debate.

Yes, We Believe in the Power of Natural Immunity.

Yes, We Insist on Informed Consent.

Yes to Doctors and Patients Making Decisions Without Interference.


Visit Defeat The Mandates March on Washington Website

We are free.

And we will not surrender our freedoms out of fear.

We are Americans and we come from every walk of life.

We link arms, Vaccinated and Unvaccinated

Democrats, Republicans, and Independents

Mothers, Fathers and Grandparents

College Students, Teachers,

Nurses, Doctors, Small business owners

Artists, Tradesmen, and the Retired.

To stop the Covid vaccine mandates.

To say never again to the lockdowns!

We are free people.

No longer taking our freedoms for granted.

The mandated Covid vaccines haven’t worked.

Our civil liberties have not returned.


Visit Defeat The Mandates March on Washington Website

Mandates are a last resort.

They are not the American way.

This is a pivotal moment in our global history.

The time to act is now!

People around the world are rising up,

To protect freedoms that originated here in America.

It is high time we joined them.

We are brothers and sisters

Of every color, creed, and political stripe.

We are not against the vaccinated.

Many of us are the vaccinated.

We are against forcing vaccinations on Americans.

Enough is enough.

We’re coming home.

In peace we March!

Visit Defeat The Mandates March on Washington Website

We encourage everyone to be virtuous and peaceful and to de-escalate conflict. Below are a few procedures to follow during the peaceful march to keep you safe.

  • If anybody seems to be agitating for violence or is trying to encourage racist or violent acts, DO NOT ENGAGE, break out the camera and start video recording and calmly back away.
  • If there are barriers up, respect them and don’t cross them. Stay on the appointed, permitted path.
  • If a group seems to be heading off the direction of the march, don’t follow them. The march goes up the Mall from the Washington Monument to the Lincoln Memorial.
  • If there’s anything even slightly suspicious, record it widely and generously,
  • Do not walk or stand near any packages or backpacks that are unattendedDo not touch or move the item. Report them right away.
  • Have an emergency rally point decided between you and your group.
  • Leave your agenda for the day with a friend.
  • Be aware of your surroundings. Always look for ways to escape in case things get out of hand. Identify the local police and security and notify them.
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