Democrats are Fidget Spinners

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Democrats are like fidget spinners, a toy which gained popularity in 2017. From Wikipedia:

“The toy has been promoted as helping people who have trouble focusing or those who may need to fidget to relieve nervous energy, anxiety, or psychological stress. There are claims that a fidget spinner can help calm down people who have anxiety or mental disorders, such as ADHD and autism, though peer reviewed studies for this notion are lacking.”

So the latest example of Democrats becoming fidgety and spinning is after Joe Biden exposed himself in cognitive decline last week at the 2024 CNN Presidential Debate. That means their spin is now to make Donald Trump “a liar”. Quotation marks included because that is the Democrat’s current talking point regurgitated ad nauseam by the mainstream media since the debate concluded.

It is time for America to have intelligent conversations on the mental health of the aged. The National Institute on Aging has this to say about dementia.

“Dementia is the loss of cognitive functioning — thinking, remembering, and reasoning — to such an extent that it interferes with a person’s daily life and activities. Some people with dementia cannot control their emotions, and their personalities may change.”

So Democrats always operate from the premise “The best defense is a strong offense,” and psychologically there are 10 common defense mechanisms most of which can be pretty offensive.


This mechanism involves when a situation becomes too much to handle, one copes with it by refusing to experience it. Denying reality means you protect yourself from having to deal with the unpleasant consequences and pain that come with acceptance. Joe Biden wants to remain on the 2024 Presidential ticket for the Democrats, he is living in denial. He is unfit for office and a danger to the country.


This mechanism involves refusal to accept a given reality. It involves opting to completely forget the experience. In repression, your mind protects you by burying a memory in your subconscious, which prevents painful, disturbing, or dangerous memories from constantly occupying your conscious. Victims of child abuse often have Repressed Memory Syndrome (RMS). Think of Ashley Biden in the shower.


This mechanism involves one to transfer their emotions from one person (Joe Biden) who is the target of frustration to another (Donald Trump). Subconsciously, people hold the belief to confront the source (Joe Biden) may be too dangerous or risky, so they shift focus toward a target (Donald Trump) to receive their negative emotions instead. This is sometimes called “deflection”.  Remember, “No one f*cks with a Biden!”

“’No one F**ks…’ US President Joe Biden Caught Swearing In Hot Mic Moment” – CRUX


This mechanism involves a defense coping tool to avoid unpleasant feelings. It is a defense used if you find yourself in a situation where you feel like you are losing control. Perhaps others are starting to stare at you with what you perceive as a critical eye. You opt to lash out to put them on the defense, “What are you staring at?” This one, too, is sometimes called “deflection”.


This mechanism involves one going beyond denial and behaving in an opposite way one thinks or acts. Typically, this defense is marked by a blatant display.  Recall Jill Biden at Joe Biden’s after debate party, “Joe, you did such a good job. You answered every question, you knew all the facts. And let me ask the crowd, what did Trump do? LIED!”


This mechanism involves one becoming or acting childish when under stress. This defense of regression is when one’s behavior reverts to a younger level of development earlier in life protecting oneself from confronting the actual situation at hand.

“Biden and Trump argue over age and golf swings during 2024 presidential debate” – MSNBC

Again, former President Donald Trump has the higher IQ and is more aware. He concludes the above video of Joe Biden in regression by saying, “Let’s not act like children Joe.”


This mechanism involves one trying to explain their bad behaviors away. Imagine somebody has an irrationally angry response to a situation. They try to justify their behavior later by blaming someone else for provoking them. Even if this is true, it is not the actual reason for the outburst, it’s an excuse. It is a common ego defense mechanism. “I’m not wrong, you are!”

“Joe Biden spars with Michigan autoworker over guns” – Guardian News


This mechanism involves one channeling energy and emotions from a bad situation into productive outlets. Sublimation is about the only positive defense mechanism. An example of this occurred when former President Donald Trump held a popup rally in Harlem after a day in court. As bad as the day in court made him feel, getting out into the public with his supporters made him feel better.

“Trump visits Manhattan bodega after day in court” – Fox 5 NY


This mechanism involves a most powerful but disturbing defense mechanism. The Psychology of dissociation involves escapism which can involve engaging in fantasy of tall tales such as saying you graduated in the top of your class in law school when actually you graduated 76th in a class of 85. When one employs this mechanism long-term, dissociation creates separation from reality with fantasy – translation, you become a habitual liar. Normally, when a person tells a lie and gets caught, they stop telling it. Somebody suffering from dissociation never stands corrected as they repeat the lie such as, “Suckers and losers.” People who exhibit this mechanism are often seen as “delusional” or “deranged”.


Lastly on this list of defense mechanisms is one called avoidance. Psychology tells us this near-universal mechanism is human nature to steer clear of that which is undesirable. But, by kicking the can down the road, so to speak, these problems only get worse. This last one is the position the Democratic Party now finds itself in now. They are unable to remove Joe Biden from their ticket as he holds a political war chest of $200 million.


As a toy, fidget spinners do nothing but go around and around in circles, kind of like Democrats. This could explain White House Press Secretary Jen Psaki always needing to “circle back’ to the White House Press Corp with answers she never had.

Americans are tired of the Democrats and mainstream media constantly trying to deflect their own shortcomings and failures back to former President Donald Trump. As the girls on the “Chicks on the Right” so succinctly put it recently, “We’re tired of their bullshit!”

To be blunt, if you want to call Donald Trump a liar, offer some specific examples or shut up!

Two last but very important points…

I learned fidget spinners may be good as therapeutic tools for persons suffering from agitation due to Alzheimer’s and dementia. Fidget spinners may help to soothe them and can give them peace.

Also, if you want to learn more about the 10 common defense mechanisms in this article, see the Tony Robbins website here.

Democrats FIDGET and Related SPIN

“Our candidate is not cognitively impaired; your candidate is just a liar!”

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