Democrats Lies Are Proof of Nazism!

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This past weekend president Joe Biden withdrew from the 2024 Presidential Race after saying he was in it to win it. But just two days ago Biden was saying he was going to be back on the campaign trail this week after Covid.

The interesting thing is people are now questioning the legitimacy of his withdrawal for two major reasons:

1. It came as a post on social media platforms.

Rise Up 'Deplorables': Rallying Round Pro-America Businesses

2. The written letter was not released on Presidential letterhead and the signature appears to be a forgery.

Joe Biden has not been seen or heard from in days. How do we know he is alive and the two actions above represent his own will? How are we to know these are not just more Democrat lies?

“This constant lying is not aimed at making the people believe a lie, but at ensuring that no one believes anything anymore.

A people that can no longer distinguish between truth and lies cannot distinguish between right and wrong. And such a people, deprived of the power to think and judge, is, without knowing and willing it, completely subjected to the rule of lies. With such a people, you can do whatever you want.” —Hannah Arendt, German historian and philosopher

Many, if not most all Americans, hate liars. That means Democrats, and the mainstream media they control, are so hated, the majority of Americans no longer believe anything they say.

Here’s The Authoritative List Of Lies Joe Biden Has Told As President: 429 And Counting – The Federalist

Generative AI offers us this take on both the types of lies and why people lie.

“People lie for many reasons, including self-serving and other-oriented motivations:


To avoid punishment, judgment, or shame to protect themselves from retaliation to present themselves positively to impress others to obtain rewards to experience pleasure from deceiving others to keep personal information secret


To spare someone’s feelings to protect others from harm to make others happy, such as telling children Santa Claus is real

Other reasons people lie include:

Lying by omission: To cover up mistakes or avoid uncomfortable conversations

Conflict avoidance: To conceal something intentionally or unintentionally

Feeling intimidated: To cover up feelings of inferiority

Lying can be harmful, but it can also be helpful in some cases. For example, white lies or subconscious lies can make life easier to manage or spare someone’s feelings. However, lying can also erode trust, lead to embarrassment or loss of credibility, negatively affect mental health, hurt others, and cause social unrest.”

There appears to be a new aspect in lying as well. When a lie appears as truth and is made up to push an agenda. I would call this a “compound lie”. An example would be the Fulton County election ballot counting where security video showed us all ballot processing of the same ballots being scanned multiple times while the official narrative was:

“For nearly three years now, anyone with evidence of fraud has failed to come forward – under oath – and prove anything in a court of law. Our elections in Georgia are secure, accessible, and fair and will continue to be as long as I am governor. The future of our country is at stake in 2024 and that must be our focus.” – GA  Gov. Brian Kemp (R) August 2023

The problem with Brian Kemp is he is a Trump hating liar as was recently proved out in this article that offers proof by people with no skin in the game, the 2020 election was stolen.

BOMBSHELL! Fulton County DID Have Election Fraud in 2020!

An honest man would own up to his past mistake of a year ago and admit, election fraud existed in Georgia in 2020 which most probably led to his state going to Joe Biden. So where Kemp’s compound lie is; Kemp turned on Trump because Trump backed somebody else to be Georgia’s governor and that betrayal by Kemp led Biden to assume our highest office as one of 6 swing states around our nation went to Biden. So much for “good of the nation/cause” and “party loyalty”…

Here is another compound lie in the news right now:

1 in 3 Democrats believe Trump faked assassination attempt. I talked to one – Fox news


What kind of idiot would think anybody would allow somebody to take a shot at their head to graze them with a high power assault rifle to win an election? If the poll above is true, 1 in 3 Democrats should not be allowed to vote because they just exposed themselves as delusional to the point of being unfit to cast a ballot! 

Yesterday I had an unexpected encounter with such a woman I did not know. She, like me, is well college-educated. She is a medical doctor. She saw my MAGA cap and this must have been her trigger. She said to me, “Well, you are probably real happy now. Biden withdrew from the race.”

I was kind of in shock and had to think on my feet putting two-plus-two together and I responded, “I think at this point in time we both know Biden was pretty irrelevant to the whole process.”

I should note at this point, sometimes I forget which cap I am wearing and how MAGA caps can trigger some people.

As we both stared at the TV screen she then went on to say, “He is such a good man and has done so much good for this country taking it where it needed to go.”

To which I had to respond, “Are you talking about the showering with his teen daughter, high inflation, open borders, high crime, record high credit card debt with record low savings, compulsive lying, or something else?”

She walked away without another word.

It was a spiritual moment for me. As I have mentioned before: My mother was a Registered Nurse while my father was a fireman/paramedic. I was raised to love and respect doctors and yet as this woman walked away I could hear my Dad’s voice in my head asking, “How can such an educated person be so stupid!?”

For me, I was left with a new question of life.

If a person tells an absolute falsehood, but believes it to be true, are they still a liar?

My guess is that is what happened with the German Nazi’s 90 years ago and America’s Democrat Party of today.

“If you tell a lie big enough and keep repeating it, people will eventually come to believe it. The lie can be maintained only for such time as the State can shield the people from the political, economic and/or military consequences of the lie. It thus becomes vitally important for the State to use all of its powers to repress dissent, for the truth is the mortal enemy of the lie, and thus by extension, the truth is the greatest enemy of the State.” – Joseph Goebbels

Copyright © 2024 by Mark S. Schwendau

Rise Up 'Deplorables': Rallying Round Pro-America Businesses