Dems Impeachment Process is Unconstitutional and a Partisan Farce

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“If we’re going to criminalize speech, and somehow impeach everybody who says, ‘Go fight to hear your voices heard,’ I mean really we ought to impeach Chuck Schumer then…” – @RandPaul

“Sen. Rand Paul, R-Ky., described the looming impeachment trial of former President Donald Trump as a “partisan farce” and said that by Democrats’ logic, Senate Democratic Leader Chuck Schumer should face impeachment too.”

@MarkMeadows highlights how President Trump offered Washington D.C. and the U.S. Capitol security assistance throughout the summer. But, “every time was rebuked and told, ‘no, we can go it alone.'”

“This impeachment process they’re going through is unconstitutional. It’s all designed for nine House Democrats to do two things, to get political vengeance and have a viral moment.” – @MarkMeadows on impeachment. <center> </center>

“This is an obsession with them…The president is going to be acquitted. The case is so strong for the president. On constitutional grounds he wins, on the lack of due process he wins, and on the facts.” – @Jim_Jordan on the Democrats’ impeachment WITCH-HUNT.

WATCH: @JasonMillerinDC on the Democrats’ impeachment WITCH-HUNT: “Next week the Democrats, not only will they put President Trump on trial. They also want to put the First Amendment on trial and they want to dictate where free speech is acceptable…”

“What the Democrats are doing here is they’re pushing forward with a completely unconstitutional case. They’re trying to change the U.S. Constitution to impact one man and one man alone.” – @JasonMillerinDC

Rep. Bill Posey Opposes Impeachment

“Impeaching the President only serves to further divide this nation by fanning the flames of partisanship. Congress could have taken the high road, but instead it has chosen to take the low one. President Trump’s Administration began with one-in-three Congressional Democrats boycotting his inauguration, the founding of the “resist” movement, the now debunked Russian collusion narrative and undermining the Administration at every turn. Now in the last hours of this Administration, Speaker Pelosi has chosen to bring an expedited impeachment resolution the House floor that has no chance of going anywhere in the U.S. Senate all the while calling for bipartisanship.”

“We have all condemned the violence that happened during last week’s demonstrations at the U.S. Capitol. There is no place for it, and I am demanding full accountability for the those who engaged in such actions. Rather than seeking healing, this impeachment effort reeks of revenge that may satisfy a political appetite but will only serve to make healing more difficult in the days and weeks ahead as a new President, Joe Biden, is inaugurated.”

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