Deranged Democrats Running Their Scared Mouths

Contact Your Elected Officials

For many Americans one of their favorite things to do is to watch criminals run from law enforcement in dash camera and body camera videos. Some people in trouble like to try to run away from their problems. It seems these days, since George Soros has corrupted our justice system to the benefit of the Democrat’s party, Democrats know they are in trouble with problems so they only have their mouths to run.

Here are some interesting recent cases in point.

What is so ironic about this soundbite from former FBI Director James Comey is he is the one who is corrupt and he proved that when he gave Hillary Clinton a free pass from prosecution. With a subpoena she committed contempt of Congress charges when she deleted some 30,000+ emails she illegally held on a private computer server outside of the realm of the government as Secretary of State. Everyone knows Comey to be a corrupt partisan hack derelict in duty now with just two simple terms muttered, “Bleach Bit and hammers.” This will forever be his legacy.

“‘Revolution Going On’ – Kathy Hochul Calls Trump Supporters Clowns Following MASSIVE Bronx Rally” – Valuetainment

New York Mayor Kathy Hochul recently called the 25,000 some New Yorkers who showed up in the Bronx to see and listen to former President Donald Trump “Clowns.” The thing is these voting New Yorkers were a cross section of races and backgrounds who have traditionally voted blue in the past. Many journalists said this was Hochul’s “Hillary Clinton ‘Basket of Deplorables’ Moment” from 2016.

As an interesting side note to this Bronx Trump Rally, the morning the rally was to be held it was pouring rain and AOC took to social media to post, “God is good.” Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez is a Democrat House Representative to the 14th Congressional District of New York. AOC is widely seen as the most stupid member of Congress and, of course she did not disappoint in this instance either. The rain ended, the sun came out, and the Trump Rally was held on schedule that evening without incident. The New Yorkers in attendance were heard to comment on the positive energy of their first Trump Rally as well as the “love and acceptance of everybody”. This is a theme heard over and over again after Trump Rallies around the country.

“Robert De Niro tears into ‘tyrant’ Trump outside Manhattan courthouse” – Fox News

Robert De Niro went on a rant outside the New York Courthouse where the Trump trial was held. What was so interesting about his speech were three things the public quickly picked up on and then took to social media to mock and ridicule him over.

  • He showed up in a mask the smallest of about 10 men who appeared as a small army of bodyguards. Two of the men were J6 Capitol Hill Police Officers Harry Dunn and Michael Fanone.
  • He repeated previously used lies about Donald Trump from the 2016 Presidential Election to portray Trump as a tyrant and overall bad man.
  • He called former President Donald Trump about every name he could think of; sinner, sexual abuser, megalomania, coward, mob director, tyrant, buffoon, clown, dictator, danger, loser, and insurrectionist.

What you did not see or hear much about in the mainstream news media (including Fox) was that portion of De Niro’s little presentation where, as President Trump said, “De Niro got MAGA’D”. We found some of that here with Robby Soave and Amber Duke:

“WATCH: Robert De Niro CONFRONTED by Trump supporter outside hush money trial” – ReasonTV

The most interesting and outlandish thing about the De Niro incident is how the Internet gatekeepers have seemingly scrubbed an exchange De Niro had with MAGA Trump supporters that went like this:

DE NIRO: “We’re Democrats. You are gangsters. You are gangsters!”

UNKNOWN 1: “You’re washed up.”

DE NIRO: “F*ck you!”

UNKNOWN 2: “F*ck De Niro! You’re a little punk! You’re a softie! You’re nobody! Your movies suck! You’re trash! You’re trash!”


I got a real problem with liars, especially liars who lie to further their own agenda. All three of the individuals noted above show moments of becoming unhinged but they are doing so for reasons other than what is good for America and her American citizenry. In other words, since they cannot recount on any of the good Joe Biden has done in office the last 4 years, they are turning to false predictions of what Donald Trump will do in the next 4 years if elected. What makes these 3 people look bad in the public eye is these same lies were tried back in 2016 and none of these false predictions of Donald Trump as president came true.

Other problems I, and others, had with Joe Biden allowing these two Capitol Police officers time off to attend a Joe Biden political event with Robert De Niro in New York City are:

  • I think the January 6 Capitol Riots (not insurrection as that is another Democrat lie) were pre-planned and the fault of Nancy Pelosi and the Capitol Police. I base this assessment as people were being welcomed in the east side doors of the Capitol while being repelled on the west side by the same police force!
  • The multiple pictures of House Speaker Nancy Pelosi hugging and embracing Capitol Police Officer Michael Fanone thereafter will never sit well with me.
  • The only hero of that day was Air Force Veteran Ashli Babbitt who was shot to death by a Capitol Police Officer. The two women, House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D) and Washington D.C. Mayor Muriel Bowser (D), who ignored President Trump’s suggestion of calling up 10,000 National Guardsmen for that day now have her blood on their hands.

“Family of Ashli Babbitt files wrongful death lawsuit against U.S. Government” – ABC News

Law enforcement and the justice system must always be politically impartial and unbiased. The only bias they are entitled to have is to the Constitution, Bill of Rights, and the laws of the land.

The Democrats in this piece above offer proof the American public now has a right to no longer trust them. They are running their mouths because they are running scared. They know a second Trump presidency will STOP their destruction of the democracy of our Constitutional Republic!

To get an idea of the fever pitch America is at right now, take a look at this short video where a Trump supporter confronts Capitol Police officer Michael Fanone in New York City.

“Trump Supporters destroy Traitor Michael Fanone that lied under oath to help democrats with their political persecution. #trump”

Copyright © 2024 by Mark S. Schwendau

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