“I, DONALD J. TRUMP . . ., find that the ability of persons located, in whole or in substantial part, outside the United States to interfere in or undermine public confidence in United States elections . . . constitutes an unusual and extraordinary threat to the national security and foreign policy of the United States. … I hereby declare a national emergency to deal with this threat.”
—President Trump, in his executive order of September 12, 2018, giving the pretext for the blocking of property and money transfers, without prior notification, belonging to persons who have dealt in foreign interference during the 2020 presidential election
Trump Knew All Along the Democrats Would Cheat
When President Trump became president in 2017, he knew that the Democrats were hell-bent on removing him from office.  The Democrats tried endlessly to find skeletons in Trump’s closet, as part of a Soviet-style harassment campaign, wherein a person, rather than a crime, is investigated.  Stalinist Lavrenty Beria would have been proud; it was Beria who said, “Show me the man, and I’ll find you the crime.”  The fact that Trump has survived so much character assassination and political scrutiny only goes to show how scrupulously honest Trump has been in his business and other dealings throughout his life.
Trump has known for a long while that, to finish his part in restoring America’s free republic, he would have to deal with tremendous election fraud in his bid for re-election.  In 2016, Trump enjoyed the element of surprise in that his overwhelming popularity was great enough to overcome the systemic fraud set in place to rig the election for Hillary Clinton.  So certain were the complicit media of a win for Clinton that they predicted a 95% probability of her winning.  But the same blunder — born of Democrat arrogance and overconfidence from years of triumphant cheating — would not occur a second time in 2020.  The media would, during Trump’s first term as president, embark on creating the illusion that the most popular president since Ronald Reagan was actually reviled.  This Big Lie would be endlessly repeated, in hopes of making enough people believe a loss to Biden was in the cards for Trump.