Diversity™ Appreciation: Rural Pakistanis Reportedly Go to Town on Blind Dolphins

Stranger than fiction…

The act of dolphin non-consensual dolphin intercourse, we know, is a beautiful and stunning celebration of Diversity™ that we would be lucky to import into the West. Please be respectful and tolerant in the comments; Armageddon Prose firmly rejects hatespeech as defined by whatever Google and Facebook say it is at any given moment in time. 

Via Aryavarth News (emphasis added):

“In Sindh near Sukkur barrage, in Indus, there is a species of Dolphins called ‘Indus Dolphins’. As pollution has gone unchecked in Indus, it has terribly impacted the Dolphins’ health in general. There is a specific species known as blind Dolphin, which has certain physical features that help her to ‘see’ despite no eyes.

There is an alleged tradition in rural Sindh of raping Indus dolphins, a subspecies of freshwater river dolphin found in the Indus river. The locals are well aware of the tradition but don’t dare to condemn it as it is a well-established tradition of the area and has been widely practised.

‘The locals liken Dolphin’s genitals to the sexual organ of women,’ the article titled “Disgusting tradition of having sex with blind dolphins in Sindh” was published in Urdu blog HumSub.”

Some White Supremacist™ busybody PETA people, full of hate in their heart for the good people of Sindh, clearly with no respect for Diversity™, recently penned a petition to deny us the opportunity to celebrate the loving act of dolphin rape.

Via Change.org (emphasis added):

“No animal is safe in Pakistan!

A country where Dolphins can be SEXUALLY EXPLOITED and Donkeys gang-raped, what to even think of human beings?!

Open Request to The Prime Minister of Pakistan, Mr. Imran Khan!

Sir, we as a global society expecting You to take a stand on this matter as soon as possible. We will NOT TOLERATE any kind of SEXUAL ASSAULT on ANY ANIMAL!!! I don’t think you want us to remember your country for this kind of inhumane actions.”

Whether the good people of Sindh actually engage in dolphin rape at epidemic proportions, I can’t say for certain; there is sparse confirmatory reporting in Western media on the phenomenon — which isn’t to say that it isn’t true, as we would expect corporate state media to refrain from such reporting out of deep respect for Diversity™, Our Greatest Strength™.

What I do know for sure, because the crime statistics are undeniable, is that migrants from a certain region of the world love them some incapacitated, non-consenting European human flesh.

           RelatedAfghan Migrant Sexually Assaults Incapacitated German Teen on Subway Platform ‘for Hours’

                 RelatedReport: Migrants in Germany Went on Record-Breaking 2023 Crime Spree

Ben Bartee, author of Broken English Teacher: Notes From Exile, is an independent Bangkok-based American journalist with opposable thumbs.

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Ben Bartee
Ben Barteehttps://armageddonprose.substack.com/
BEWARE!!! Ben Bartee never minces words, so read at your own risk. Ben is a Bangkok-based American journalist, grant writer, political essayist, researcher, travel blogger, and amateur philosopher -- with opposable thumbs. He is the author of Broken English Teacher: Notes From Exile.


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