We believe that all qualified physicians should be allowed to speak. We highly recommend that you follow the science in every medical case. Remember that what we think we know today can easily change as we receive more data from scientific research, testing and medical practice. American is a Free Speech Zone.
Earlier this week, my colleagues stood on Capitol Hill with their hearts on their sleeves, to speak up, to lead, to empower. I am overwhelmed by the bravery these doctors showed to try to inform the public. We, as doctors, are not being heard. Humanity needs us now more than ever.
Why are us doctors being censored?
What is the agenda of the people blocking this information?
My passion and my purpose in life is to HEAL, as I have healed myself.
There are studies of a medication that is 65 years old (discussed in video) which has shown, when administered properly, to heal and cure cases of COVID-19. In some countries- an over the counter drug that everyone can have access to.
I had to push and fight to get access to this here in the USA. I am a doctor – a doctor with 8,000 patients, triple board certified, and no marks against my record DOCTOR. If I’m not being heard, then who is?
We need to take action.We need to come together.We need to keep fighting.Keep researching, keep sharing, and keep spreading the word.We don’t have to live in fear anymore.We CAN get back to normal life.
Repeat this affirmation with me:“I use my curiosity and my intuition to guide me into positive action.”LET’S GET LOUDER!!!
Please share if this message resonates with you. We need all the help we can get.
Dr. Lisa Koche
About Dr. Lisa Koche
As a teenager I was saved by traditional medication when I required 5 different years of intense chemotherapy for a form of leukemia.
I did relatively well with the treatment (other than heart issues from one of the meds) and was even able to get pregnant on my own. After the birth of my daughter I never bounced back and remained exhausted, developed recurrent sinusitis (required surgery), psoriasis, and Hashimotos thyroiditis. I went to a traditional endocrinologist, dermatologist, and ENT. None of the recommendations that they had were any different than what I was already doing and I felt no better. I had a newborn, busy husband, and a full practice of patients that needed my help. I had been exploring alternative/integrative medicine my whole career because I never understood WHY the focus of traditional medicine was on the symptoms and not the CAUSE.
When I was left without answers I decided to go out and find them myself.
I started attending seminars and got board certified in anti-aging and functional medicine and taught myself nutrition. I got exposed to alternative techniques such as applied kinesiology and orthogonal adjustments. What I found was that I started to improve! My energy, skin, and sinuses were better. I was also able to help all of my patients who had been stuck in the traditional medicine conundrum.
As my own quest for optimal health has continued I have created a village of healers in all of the modalities that have truly helped to heal me. The approach is outlined in my first book, GET LIT. The journey is a busy and fun one that I am thrilled to share with the world.
Best in health,