Decades ago, we systematically removed religious education from the public school day. LifeWise Academy is bringing it back.
During School Hours is the two-part (true) story of how it’s happening right now.
- Part 1 investigates WHY religious education was removed from public schools, the unintended consequences of its removal, and why reinstalling it is a game-changer for future generations.
- Part 2 shows exactly HOW Lifewise Academy is doing it now — bringing Bible education to public school students During School Hours.
Find out why this future-changing movement is growing faster than anyone could have imagined and learn exactly how your community can get started today.
By the way — did we mention it’s NOT illegal?

About the Author
Joel Penton is the Founder and CEO of LifeWise Academy. Joel’s 15-year career as a nonprofit entrepreneur has been marked by the relentless pursuit of impacting students. He honed this skill playing defensive tackle at The Ohio State University where he relentlessly pursued quarterbacks for a national championship football team. In his senior year at OSU, Joel received the Danny Wuerffel trophy, known as the “Humanitarian Heisman,” which is awarded to one college football player each year for outstanding community service.
Upon graduating, Joel founded Stand For Truth and Relevant Speakers Network, a speakers’ bureau that has touched more than 3,000 public schools and 2 million students nationwide. As a public speaker, Joel has presented to more than 2,000 live audiences and over 1,000,000 people across the country. He is also the author of three books including DURING SCHOOL HOURS: Why and How LifeWise Academy is Reinstalling Religious Education into the Public School Day.