Education First Alliance

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Education First Alliance

About The Education First Alliance

Education First Alliance stands for the American family.

Progressive Politicians And Billionaire Seek To Destroy Public Education And The American Family. We’re Here To Defeat Them!

The Education First Alliance represent thousands of families who are striving to secure the American Dream for their children and grandchildren, but whose voices have been silenced by special interest groups and their accomplices in the legislature.

Education First Alliance believes as YOU do, that all American children should receive an education based on achievement, moral development, and appreciation for America. We envision a society where equality of opportunity and diversity of thought are advanced through educational excellence, not progressive agendas. 

We help conservative candidates around the country dedicated to the pro-American, pro-parent ideals of the education reform movement.

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Education First Alliance to Sponsor Anti-Woke Education Conference

Sloan Rachmuth of the Education First Alliance talks to host Steve Bannon about this week’s anti-woke education conference in Charlotte, North Carolina. The conference will look at how grooming occurs in the classroom, as well as the dangers of Social and Emotional Learning curricula. This conference will allow engaged people to get together to “decide a way we’re going to take the fight to the left in state after state after state.”

MEGA: Make Education Great Again Event 2022

Affectionately referred to as “education’s biggest day out,” the MEGA (Make Education Great Again) Event 2022 is an education outreach sponsored by Education First Alliance in North Carolina.  This year’s event will feature top leaders in the WOKE education space like Dr. James Lindsay, author of “Race Marxism” and Max Eden of the American Enterprise Institute and author of “Why Meadow Died.” Also a networking opportunity, the event welcomes parents, activists, political candidates, and office holders.  Presentations will include: Exposing the Trans Agenda Coming for Our Kids, The History of Critical Race Theory, Brainwashing thru Social Emotional Learning, and Legislating to Protect Our Children.

When: Saturday, April 30, 2022
Where: Charlotte, North Carolina

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