Election 2020, You Decide: A Game For The Discerning Voter

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Play the Game, Have Fun and Win the White House. 

“We’ve put together the most extensive and inclusive voter fraud organization in the history of American politics.” ~ Joe Biden

The Election 2020, You Decide game brings a breath of fresh air to constituents on both sides of the aisle, providing an avenue to “Let Us Laugh, Let Us Heal” with bi-partisan banter, political fact checks and hilarious “no-holds barred” jabs at the personalities behind the process.

Election 2020, You Decide contains gaming-industry first QR codes, video footage and imaginative ballots, splitting the players into two sides: Republicans vs. Democrats.

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About Election Fun Network

The Election Fun Network (EFN) is a news-based content platform created to inform the voting public through political parody and advanced technology.

The network provides a revolutionary format featuring cross-over avatar characterizations designed to engage audiences through newsroom spoof, opposing ideologies and enhanced entertainment.

In a broadcast first, EFN features The Talking Heads, an avatar anchor team delivering satire-rich segments with a custom hybrid of hilarious monologue and media.

Led by Dr. Richard Head, World-Renowned Virologist, and his supporting cast, The Talking Heads are the most sought-after personalities in gaming, politics, and product development as the founders, faces and innovators behind Election 2020, You Decide – also known as “The Game”.

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