Election Fairness Institute

Contact Your Elected Officials

The Election Fairness Institute, Inc. [EFI] is engaged in election process research and publication of such research for the public interest of advancing transparent, secure and fair elections, free of special interest influence over the suffrage of U.S. Citizens.

Currently there is no firm, legal or accountancy, that specializes in election audits —forensic audits of elections— critical to solving the lack of transparency necessary for trustworthy elections. Moreover, organization that should provide oversight have themselves been captured by an interest in the outcome. “‘Given the vital role elections play in this country, it is clear that certain systems and assets of election infrastructure meet the definition of critical infrastructure, in fact and in law,’ Secretary of Homeland Security Jeh Johnson said in a statement.”1 Building such a firm grounded with SixSigma rigor at its foundation, provides State and County governmental units, as well as citizen’s groups with the missing component in the elections oversight space.

We do not support nor do we advocate for any party, candidate or ballot proposal, no electioneering whatsoever. Our focus is on election process and compliance with statutes and regulations regarding election contests; the mission can be summed up with our slogan, “Let’s Be Fair.” Regardless of party affiliation, office or position, the system that appoints representation of the People’s will must indeed, compete in an ecosystem that is transparent and open to inspection of tools and processes.

Visit the ElectionFairnessInstitute.org

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