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Elections on TheThinkingConservative.com includes information on United States election and campaigns.


Seven Presidential Candidates-Uncharted Territory For Pollsters and Pundits

The Polls were not wrong in 2016, it was the pundits and the MSM who could not bring themselves to admit that Trump could possibly win that were wrong.

RFK Jr. Apologizes to Family Members Pained by PAC Ad at Super Bowl

Presidential hopeful Robert F. Kennedy Jr. has apologized for any pain caused to family members after a supportive super PAC ran an ad at the Super Bowl.

Trump Endorses Michael Whatley as New RNC Chair, Lara Trump as Co-Chair

Trump endorsed NC GOP Chair Michael Whatley to succeed Ronna McDaniel. He also announced support for daughter-in-law Lara Trump for role of RNC co-chairwoman.
Never Trump Billionaires Lead Nikki Haley's 2023 Fundraising

‘Never Trump’ Billionaires Lead Nikki Haley’s 2023 Fundraising

A roster of Silicon Valley billionaires and some of the richest Republican donors are writing big checks for Nikki Haley's run at the 2024 GOP nomination.

RFK Jr.-Aligned PAC Airs Surprise Ad During Super Bowl

With a catchy jingle and nostalgic images mirroring JFK’s 1960 presidential campaign ad, a spot by a super PAC aligned with RFK aired during the Super Bowl.
The Republican Plot Against Donald Trump

Senator Vance Slams “Ukraine First” Package As A Future Impeachment Trap For President Trump

“You heard it here first. They will impeach him under this legislation that may very well pass tonight out of the United States Senate.”
The Republican Plot Against Donald Trump

The Republican Plot Against Donald Trump

A year away from an election that could give Trump the presidency, and Ukraine-obsessive Republicans have already given the Democrats a predicate to impeach him.
White House Illuminated

Who will win the White House in 2024…Maybe someone you weren’t thinking about

There are mixed emotions about Donald Trump and given a choice, many will opt for someone else and No Labels and Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. give them a choice.
Donald Trump Earth

US Should Be ’Stupid’ No More: Trump Calls for End to ‘No Strings’ Foreign...

Former President Donald Trump has called on the U.S. Congress to stop gifting U.S. aid to foreign nations without any “strings” attached.

DNC Files FEC Complaint Against RFK Jr. Alleging Illegal Super PAC Coordination

American Values 2024, the super PAC aligned with Robert F. Kennedy’s campaign, is ‘ignoring federal law,’ according to the Democratic National Committee.
Florida Republican Party Endorses Trump for President

Florida Republican Party Endorses Trump for President

Trump added another presidential endorsement with the Florida Republican Party officially throwing its weight behind him president as he reclaim the White House.
Mazi Pilip with law enforcement supporters on Feb. 9, 2024 at Nassau County PBA office.

12 Police Unions Endorse Mazi Pilip in New York Special Election

While Republican Candidate Mazi Pilip announced she received endorsement of 12 city and county police unions, her opponent, Democrat Tom Suozzi, derided them all.