2020 Campaigns

2020 Campaigns on TheThinkingConservative.com includes news and information about the 2020 election campaigns in the United States.

Rudy Giuliani’s full speech at the Republican National Convention

Former New York City mayor and Trump lawyer Rudy Guliani spoke on the final night of the Republican National Convention on Aug. 27, 2020. Transcript Good...

Chen Guancheng’s full speech at the Republican National Convention

Human rights activist Chen Guancheng spoke on the third night of the Republican National Convention on August 26, 2020. Transcript Greetings. My name is Chen Guangcheng. Standing...
Elizabeth Warren media protection.

2020 Dems turn on Elizabeth Warren during debates, but not the media

Presidential candidates gang up on Senator Elizabeth Warren during the Democratic debate, but the "journalist" scold those who try to get to the truth. Watch...
Stephen Colbert interviews Kamala Harris about her debate against Biden.

Its Was A Debate So I Could Lie. Oh Wait, Maybe I’m Lying Now....

Stephen Colbert interviews Senator Kamala Harris about her debate of Joe Biden during the debates. Kamal Harris, how do you go from being such...
Obama Campaigns For TRUMP

Obama Campaigns For TRUMP

This is a South Carolina radio spot, where a narrator intones, "It's what's wrong with politics today." "Hillary Clinton will say anything to get elected....

Errol Webber For Congress – Open Up America

My name is Errol Webber. I am a proud Republican. I am America First. I am pro-small business. I am pro-2nd Amendment. I am...

Madison Cawthorn’s full speech at the Republican National Convention

Madison Cawthorn, Republican nominee for North Carolina’s 11th Congressional District, spoke on the third night of the Republican National Convention on August 26, 2020. Transcript Good...

Kimberly Klacik For Maryland Congressional District 7

Kimberly Klacik is the Republican candidate in the 2020 election for Maryland District #7 and she is taking the world by storm. Kimberly Klacik is...

Jim Jordan’s full speech at the Republican National Convention

Rep. Jim Jordan (R-OH) spoke on the first night of the Republican National Convention on Aug. 24, 2020. Transcript Good evening. I’m Congressman Jim Jordan representing...

Mark and Patricia McCloskey defend right to firearms at Republican National Convention

Mark and Patricia McCloskey defended the right to use guns for self-defense and to defend property on the first night of the Republican National...

Utah AG Sean Reyes’ full speech at the Republican National Convention

Utah Attorney General Sean Reyes spoke on the final night of the Republican National Convention on Aug. 27, 2020. Transcript , and good evening. I’m Utah...
Nicholas Sandmann Pro-Life Rally

Nicholas Sandmann’s full speech at the Republican National Convention

Nicholas Sandmann, a Covington Catholic High School student whose was defamed by national media organizations after a viral encounter during a March for Life...