2022 Elections

2022 Midterm Elections are Tuesday, November 8, 2022. All 435 seats in the House of Representatives and 35 of the 100 seats in the Senate will be contested.

Jim Bognet For Congress in Pennsylvania

House Democrat Sues Pennsylvania County Board of Elections for Failing to Certify Election Results

U.S. Rep. Matt Cartwright sued board of elections of PA county that didn’t have enough paper ballots on Election Day for failing to certify his victory by deadline.

McCarthy Declares GOP Victory in House; Pelosi Not Conceding Yet

Kevin McCarthy has declared that Republicans will take back the House of Representatives. Nancy Pelosi refused to concede that Dems will lose the lower chamber.

Most Arizona Voters Believe Election ‘Irregularities’ Affected Outcome

Survey by Rasmussen Reports finds 55% of Likely Arizona Voters believe it is likely that problems with the 2022 election in Maricopa County affected the outcome.
Arizona Republican candidate for governor Kari Lake

Kari Lake Responds to Reports She’ll Run for US Senate

Arizona GOP candidate Kari Lake brushed aside speculation she might be running for Arizona’s Senate seat in 2024, following anonymously sourced reports.

Arizona Certifies 2022 Midterm Election Results

Officials in Arizona on Dec. 5 certified the results of the 2022 midterms after coercing supervisors in at least one county to certify vote tallies.
Democrats Sealed Their Own Doom

In the Closing Week Before the Midterms, Democrats Sealed Their Own Doom

Just as we all knew, the summer polls predicting Democrats’ advantage in the midterms were the same form of election meddling they were in 2016 and 2020.

Outrage: Maricopa County Certifies Corrupt Arizona Election Despite Testimony of Hundreds

Board of Supervisors of Maricopa County, AZ, certified corrupt AZ midterm election. Here are reaction from a variety of figures in public and private life.

AJC poll gives Republicans the edge in most races

The latest Atlanta Journal-Constitution poll paints a bleak picture for Georgia Democrats in November, with every statewide candidate aside from U.S. Sen. Raphael Warnock...

Mohave County Delays Certifying Arizona Election Results in Protest

Second AZ county delayed certifying midterm election results until Nov. 28 deadline in show of solidarity with Maricopa County, where voting problems were reported.

Senate Democrats Now Have a 51-Seat Majority: Here’s What It Means

After news outlets and forecasters called Georgia’s Dec. 6 Senate runoff for Sen. Raphael Warnock (D-Ga.), it gave Democrats a 51-seat majority in the Senate.
Donald Trump

Body Language Experts Share Advice on How to Tell When Politicians Lie

When someone tries to deceive, they unconsciously reveal a burst of behaviors associated with lying, said Constantine and truth-detectors.

RNC Attorneys That Surveyed Maricopa County Voting Sites Confirm Widespread Problems

Attorneys memo after visiting voting sites in Maricopa County, AZ, on election day describes tabulation equipment problems, long lines, frustrated voters leaving.