2022 Elections

2022 Midterm Elections are Tuesday, November 8, 2022. All 435 seats in the House of Representatives and 35 of the 100 seats in the Senate will be contested.

Nancy Pelosi Election Snatch

Election Snatch Didn’t Quite Work, Pelosi’s Secret Plan to Take Back the House

Mr. Smith goes to Washington and Pelosi gets her Special Counsel clearing the wat for her triumphant return? “The Special Counsel is authorized to conduct...

DeSantis Credits Florida’s Red Wave to Leadership Against ‘Woke Mind Virus’

Gov. Ron DeSantis acknowledged “underwhelming performances” by Republicans in midterm elections and contrasted losses with “true Republican landslide” in Florida.

GOP Takes Key District From Democrats in Blue State as House Control Undecided

Republicans flipped an Oregon congressional district with Lori Chavez-DeRemer's win, giving the GOP another seat as control of the House is still up for grabs.

Arizona Certifies 2022 Midterm Election Results

Officials in Arizona on Dec. 5 certified the results of the 2022 midterms after coercing supervisors in at least one county to certify vote tallies.

Arizona Regime Is Investigating Kari Lake And Trying To JAIL Her On Felony Charges...

Newly selected regime heading up Arizona’s top statewide offices is targeting Kari Lake with felony charges for speaking out against rigged election in Arizona.

Most Arizona Voters Believe Election ‘Irregularities’ Affected Outcome

Survey by Rasmussen Reports finds 55% of Likely Arizona Voters believe it is likely that problems with the 2022 election in Maricopa County affected the outcome.

New conservative group gets $1.6 billion donation to spend during midterms and beyond

New conservative nonprofit scored $1.6 billion last year giving Republicans a huge financial boost ahead of midterms, and for years to come.
Trump Speaking CPAC Texas 2022

Democrats Will Continue to Play the ‘Not Trump’ Card Intensively in Midterms and Beyond:...

In midterms, Democrats believe their best hope is to position themselves as the only alternative to Trump and his brand of Republicanism.

We Are Winning: In ramp-up to 2022 midterms, Republican candidates center pitches on Trump’s...

A candidate to be Arizona’s top elections official said recently he hopes a review of 2020 ballots underway in his state will lead to the reversal...

Fate of Congress Uncertain as Georgia Prepares for Senate Race Runoff

The state of Georgia is preparing for a 2022 midterm election runoff that could determine which party controls the House of Representatives next year.

Abe Hamadeh and RNC Lawsuit Calls Out Issues Seen on Election Day

Abe Hamadeh and RNC filed lawsuit against opponent Kris Mayes and counties of AZ alleging errors in 2022 general election should prevent winner from being named.

Sen. Cortez Masto Projected to Beat Adam Laxalt in Nevada

Sen. Catherine Cortez Masto is projected to beat Republican Adam Laxalt in race for seat Masto holds after election officials in NV reported latest results.