Elon Musk Proves We Got a Bully in the White House!

MAGA News Central: Making American Businesses Great Again

Growing up in school many Americans got to see the social dynamic power struggle between bullies and the bullied. Most of us simply remained sideline spectators. But even in a neutral zone we did not like it and did not feel right sitting by saying and doing nothing. Saying and doing nothing can leave somebody with a lifetime of feelings of guilt.

For reasons of right over wrong, people from all political walks in this country find the practice of bullying repulsive. Recently First Lady Melania Trump took up cyberbullying as her cause due to suicides occurring as a result. But what many people do not know is most school shootings are the result of previously bullied victims seeking to take back control of their lives from bullies. This is not a rationalization but simply an explanation.

The victims of bullying have had their public persona, dignity, and pride destroyed so the hunted becomes the hunter. This is why it is so important for schools to be aware of what is going on not just in their classrooms, but the hallways, cafeterias, and schoolyards as well. The idea is to put out the spark before it becomes a flame.

We have a bully in the White House. His name is Joe Biden and there are countless examples of the last three years that backs this up. Those examples are in abusive of power by Federal agencies and Elon Musk has put this abuse on blast.

“Joe Biden caught swearing on hot mic” (Nobody f*cks with a Biden.)

A recent episode between the billionaire entrepreneur Elon Musk and president Joe Biden really shined a spotlight on this and took me back to high school days and an episode that haunts me still.

We had this really stupid big kid come into our school from state juvenile detention making absolutely no effort at assimilation into the high school student body. If you need a visual for your mind’s eye, think of the 1985 movie “Back to the Future”. Think of Joe Biden as Biff.

Then we had this nerdy kid who was a real brain but was lacking in social skills and common sense. The bully told him to do something and he questioned why as it did not make logical sense. Things escalated quickly to the point of physical assault. Think of Elon Musk as George McFly.

Long story short… the bullied kid wound up in the hospital and the bully kid wound up back in state juvenile detention with more time tacked on to his sentence. Now before some teacher-haters ask, “Where were the teachers?!” Well, it happened in the back of a school bus with the bully’s boys forming a screen to block the view to the bus driver.

Joe Biden has un-constitutionally and illegally harassed Elon Musk a number of times in his administration but the latest one really highlights Joe’s level of stupid. More on that in a moment.

Because of Biden, the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) is going back on an agreement with Elon Musk to provide him almost a billion dollars ($885.5M) in Federal subsidies to provide internet access to some of our most remote places of the country. By every measure, Musk’s Starlink connectivity system is a huge success and running ahead of schedule.

A measure of how angry Americans are over this development is seen on the Fox Business YouTube clip of this story which garnered almost a million views in just 24 hours!

“The FCC just ambushed Elon Musk’s Starlink service” – Fox News

One of the two Republican dissenting member FCC Commissioners (Brendan Carr) of the 7 member board released this statement after this action was taken:

“Last year, after Elon Musk acquired Twitter and used it to voice his own political and ideological views without filter, President Biden gave the federal agencies a greenlight to go after him.” 

In the Fox interview Commissioner Carr went on to explain how in 2020 the FCC awarded Musk money to bring the internet to over 640,000 remote homes and businesses around the country. Carr noted that this revocation of this money owed Musk was even noticed by the Wall Street Journal as a pattern of regulatory harassment by the Biden administration.

“Biden: Musk’s Twitter acquisition ‘worth being looked at’” – Washington Post

This clip is very interesting as at the end Biden says, “And that’s all I have to say.” But then, another reporter asks the question “How?” Then, related to how Joe Biden is going to investigate Musk, Biden responds, “There’s lots of ways.”

The Washington Post clip above shows this while other sources such as MSNBC cuts that apparent threat off!

Carr notes this press conference of about a year ago but then goes on to cite all the other ways Biden has seemingly gone after Musk in a pattern of obvious political harassment:

“We have seen the Department of Justice, the FAA, the Federal Trade Commission, the NLRB, even the Fish and Wildlife Service opening investigations into Elon Musk! I think the pattern here fits again what the Wall Street Journal said which is nothing more than regulatory harassment.”

The article Commissioner Carr was referencing is found here:

The FCC Ambushes Musk’s Starlink: The agency revokes funds for the company’s rural broadband rollout.


Elon Musk is one of the smartest men of our time. Joe Biden is arguably one of the stupidest presidents to ever grace the Oval Office. These are two facts!

My Dad used to tell me not to hang around stupid people because stupid can be contagious. All the proof you need Dad was right is this from Commissioner Carr:

 “What is simply not credible about this FCC decision (by the 5 Democrat commissioners)… is on the one hand we have some doubts about this is not necessarily a reliable technology but that’s belied by the fact that the US Government is entering a multi-million dollar contract with Elon Musk, with Starlink, for high-speed connectivity when it matters the most; For military operations and otherwise. So it simply isn’t credible for the FCC to be claiming they have concerns about this technology when other components of the Federal Government are leaning in so heavily… Look the real loser here is going to be rural America.”

Previously I mentioned how this highlights Joe’s level of stupid…

If I were Elon Musk, I would be telling the DOD right about now, in my best Jerry Seinfeld Soup Nazi imitation, “No Starlink for you, until you get this Commander-in-Cheats off my back!”

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