En Masse Voting By Mail Is Illegal

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Rep. Mo Brooks of Alabama gives his fifth speech in a series on voter fraud, election theft, and the 2020 Presidential election.

The SPEAKER pro tempore. The Chair recognizes the gentleman from Alabama (Mr. Brooks) for 5 minutes.

Mr. BROOKS of Alabama. Mr. Speaker, this is my fifth speech in a series on voter fraud, election theft, and the Presidential election.

For emphasis, Congress is the judge, jury, and final arbiter of the 2020 Presidential election contest. Further, America’s election system is plagued by systemic flaws that promote voter fraud and election theft.

Joe Biden exploited one such flaw when he brazenly promised more than 10 million illegal aliens that he will give them amnesty and citizenship if they help elect Joe Biden President.

The Constitution’s Election Clause, Article I, Section 4, is very clear. Congress has absolute authority over the “times, places, and manner of holding elections” for Federal offices.

Pursuant to the Election Clause, and title 2, United States Code, section 7, Congress set November 3 as the 2020 “day for the election.”

For emphasis, Congress set a day for the election'' on which citizens vote. Congress did not set an election week, an election month, or an election season during which citizens can cast votes. Also, pursuant to the Election Clause, Congress created limited exceptions to itsvote within a 24-hour window” mandate, to wit:

Alternative voting means for persons with disabilities;

Overseas persons may vote by absentee ballot;

Persons to be absent from their voting location or State on election day may vote by absentee ballot.

Any voting schemes that allow voting outside of congressionally mandated times and means are illegal under the Constitution and Federal statute.

Congress’ reasons for limiting voting to one 24-hour period are described by the 2005 bipartisan Commission on Federal Election Reform, co-chaired by Democrat President Jimmy Carter and former Republican White House Chief of Staff and Secretary of State James Baker. They strongly cautioned against overly broad absentee ballot and vote-by- mail schemes because they “increase the risk of fraud.”

The bipartisan commission found that absentee voting has been one of the major sources of fraud in American elections and that vote by mail “is vulnerable to abuse in several ways: Blank ballots mailed to the wrong address or to large residential buildings might get intercepted. Citizens who vote at home, at nursing homes, at the workplace, or in church are more susceptible to pressure, overt and subtle, or to intimidation. Vote-buying schemes are far more difficult to detect when citizens vote by mail.”

Mr. Speaker, Congress passed laws to prevent voter fraud and election theft by establishing, with minor exceptions, a 24-hour window in which to vote. In contrast, socialist Democrats use bureaucratic allies or engaged in rigged lawsuits involving conspiratorial parties and inattentive judges to obtain sham settlement agreements that blatantly violate the Constitution and Federal law to promote voter fraud and election theft with the singular goal of stealing the United States Presidency.

In particular, all en masse vote-by-mail schemes promote voter fraud and election theft and are illegal because they violate Congress’ election procedures and 24-hour voting mandate. As such, all votes cast pursuant to these vote-by-mail schemes are illegal, void, and should not be counted.

Mr. Speaker, the evidence is overwhelming, compelling, and irrefutable. If only lawful votes cast by eligible American citizens are counted, President Trump won the electoral college and a second term as President. Congress can either support illegal voting, voter fraud, and election theft or not.

Because I believe in the rule of law and our Republic, it is my duty as a Member of Congress to, on January 6, object to and vote to reject the electoral college submissions of all States whose election systems are so badly flawed as to render their vote submissions unreliable, untrustworthy, and unworthy of acceptance.

Mr. Speaker, that is exactly what I intend to do.

[Congressional Record Volume 166, Number 207 (Tuesday, December 8, 2020)] [House] [Page H6908]

From the Congressional Record Online through the Government Publishing Office


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