EU Farmers Say NO to UN Agenda 2030!

MAGA News Central: Making American Businesses Great Again

There is a stunning and very concerning news story going on now in Europe that is not getting the attention of the world it deserves. The story is over 2 weeks old and offers examples of real heroes of these times.

European farmers of countries all over Europe have been protesting proposed new regulations that were passed under the guise of stopping climate change that will have the net effect of bankrupting independent family farmers of Europe. This, in turn, will pave the way for major corporations to come in and buy their lands. The protestors have been congregating with their tractors causing gridlock on major highways, dumping their food products headed to market, and spreading animal manure from their livestock in front of political centers.

“FARMER PROTESTS SPREAD: Desperate Farmers Protest Against New Laws That Will Bankrupt Them”

The new regulations seemingly involve three major thrusts of grossly restricting fertilizers used to raise their crops, reduction of livestock herds and flocks to reduce manure, and raising the prize of diesel fuel for tractors and trucks to unrealistic highs. The net effect of these three will bankrupt the farmers, create food shortages, and have zero impact on the climate whatsoever.

These measures just introduced were brought on by United Nations Agenda 2030 and farmers from Poland to Spain have reacted in unison not only for the sake of their livelihoods but the lives of others. Agenda 2030 is made to look noble as a method to curtail climate change but what it really is for and about is the elimination of small independent farmers and taking their lands.

John Kerry, Joe Biden’s U.S. Special Presidential Envoy for Climate through 2023 recently said, “Farmers of these countries equal 80% of all emissions. You solve the problem to start with by making sure all of those 20 countries do what they need to do. We have to pull them to the table and leverage them further. So, how do we get there? Well, the last thing I learned in the last year is; Money, money, money, money, money, money, money.”

He went on to say, “Agriculture contributes about 33% of all the emissions of the world, depending a little bit on how you count it, anywhere from 26 to 33. And we can’t get to ‘net zero’, we don’t get this job done, unless agriculture is front and center as part of the solution. But with a growing population across the planet, we just crossed a threshold of 8 billion fellow citizens around the world, we just crossed that in this last year. Emissions from the food system alone are projected to cause another half a degree of warming by mid-century on the current course we are today.”

In mid-January Kerry (age 80) announced he was stepping down to help Joe Biden seek a second term as president in his campaign of 2024 relative to climate change. To the credit of former President Trump though, some pundits have said the only reason why this has not come to the U.S. yet is because he took our country out of the Paris Climate Accord in 2017.

Another key player in this charade has been Ursula Gertrud von der Leyen, a German physician and politician who serves as the 13th president of the European Council since 2019.

Ursula von der Leyen and her council recently showed signs of backing off their Agenda 2030 stance on fertilizers and pesticides but in so doing did a really lame job of gaslighting to deflect the real reasons farmers were on strike protesting across Europe. Here is a portion of what she said;

“While the European Council was in session, farmers from across Europe were taking to the streets. Many of them feel pushed into a corner. Farmers are the first in line feeling the effects of climate change. Droughts and floods have destroyed their harvests and threatened livestock. Farmers are feeling the impact of the Russian war, inflation, the rising cost of energy and fertilizers. Nevertheless, they work hard every day, to produce the quality food we eat. For this, I think we owe them appreciation and thanks and respect.”

About the only thing her comments did were to further enrage and cement the resolve of the farmers on strike.


I recently became aware that the United Nations (UN) is using our taxpayer dollars to perpetuate the invasion by illegal immigrants to our country as well as house them. I learned the UN helped Hamas in Gaza in their fight against Israel. Those stories I have yet to be cover but this farmer’s story is personal to me. I grew up in farming in Illinois. Many of my relatives were farmers in Ohio. Today some 96% of farms in Illinois still remain small family farms.

Make no mistake, climate change is a hoax and I have exposed this in the past:

“How Climate Change Hoaxers Expose Themselves Given Time” – Independent Sentinel

If government bureaucrats, many of them corrupt and on “the take”, are not put into check relative to this UN Agenda 2030, look for food shortages at a grocery store near you coming soon.

Covid-19 was a crime against humanity that began in 2019 one year before our General Election. The seemingly deliberate sabotage of our food supply began shortly after.

“Why the Sudden Rash of Food Processing Plant Fires?”

My mind keeps going back to an old and historic adage from the Babylonian Talmud, Tractate Sanhedrin (500 AD), Portion 72, Verse 1, which says, “If someone comes to kill you, rise up and kill him first.”

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