Faith & Folly

Faith and Folly on shares articles, videos, news and more about the Christian faith, what we believe and why we believe it, as well as articles on the folly of man as his own God.

The Gospel of Luke

Video Playlist: Gospel of Luke and Acts Miniseries

A fully animated series about the life, death, and resurrection of Jesus as portrayed by The Gospel of Luke, as well as the companion...
Joe Allen on Bannon's War Room

Joe Allen: Summoning Demons Through AI

Joe Allen: Transhumanist Eliezer Yudkowsky Warns of AI “Demon-Summoning is Easy” Feb 24, 2023 ~ Transhumanism editor Joe Allen talks to “War Room” host Steve...
The New Testament

Video Playlist: Understanding the New Testament of the Bible

Below you will find The Bible Project overview video on the New Testament. This video breaks down the literary design of the entire New...
AI Cameras

AI Inventing Its Own Culture, Passing It On to Humans, Sociologists Find

Study shows humans can learn from artificial intelligence systems and pass them to other humans, potentially influencing human culture.
Joe Allen on Bannon's War Room

Joe Allen On Body Mutilation Surgery Performed On Children: We Are Not A Sane...

Joe Allen on “gender-affirming surgery” performed at Boston Children’s Hospital and other pediatric hospitals that amounts to mutilation.

Demon Spawn – Artificial Wombs in Ancient India

Last week, the German bio-propagandist Hashem Al-Ghaili shocked the world with his concept video EctoLife: The World’s First Artificial Womb Facility.
Faith For Life - Jeff Myers

Video Playlist: Answers to Your Questions

Experts discuss topics of interest to Christians and non-Christians including Heaven, homosexuality, life in the universe, the old testament, and dying with dignity.
The Chapel

The American Church Is a Mess. But I’m Still Hopeful.

Attrition rates and leadership failures are only one part of the story. A recently leaked letter from Russell Moore describes profound institutional rot, overt racism, and the...
Liberty University Convocation

Video Playlist: Liberty University Convocation

Liberty University Convocation is North America's largest weekly gathering of Christian students, and each year it plays host to more than 80 guest speakers...
Joe Allen on Bannon's War Room

Joe Allen On Recent Twitter Ban After Exposing Boston Children’s Hospital

Joe Allen talks about his ban from Twitter for posting about the Boston Children’s Hospital gender-twisting surgery for children.
7 Year Apocalypse By Michael Snyder

7 Year Apocalypse

In 7 Year Apocalypse, Michael Snyder explains that we are right on the verge of the most apocalyptic time in all of human history.

Narnia Meets Middle-Earth: The Friendship Of Lewis And Tolkien

ABSTRACT: C.S. Lewis and J.R.R. Tolkien were united through a common university (Oxford), a common writers’ group (the Inklings), and many common interests (mythology, philology,...