Faith & Folly

Faith and Folly on shares articles, videos, news and more about the Christian faith, what we believe and why we believe it, as well as articles on the folly of man as his own God.

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Swedes Are Implanting Microchip Vaccine Passports. It Won’t Stop There

If military strategists, corporate elites, and government officials are taking the prospect of implanting humans with biotech seriously, so should we. Last week, the world...
Whores of the Techno-Apocalypse

NPR: Whores of the Techno-Apocalypse

National Public Radio is designed to put you to bed. Never trust a harlot. “Belief in salvation was once the province of religion,” Brooke Gladstone...
Fear and Loathing (but Mostly Loathing) in Wawa Country

Fear and Loathing (but Mostly Loathing) in Wawa Country

"People get the government they deserve" — and they get it good and hard On my last night in Montana, I gave a talk on...

Asbury University revival moving to new sites to accommodate people arriving from around the...

Asbury University, site of continual worship and prayer on campus drawing thousands of people to experience what God is doing, will move services off-campus.

Spiritual leadership will defeat the evil of racism

Businessman, CEO of the Brewer group, philanthropist and a former professional football player, Jack Brewer has fought on the Gridiron in business and now...
C.S. Lewis & Intelligent Design

C.S. Lewis & Intelligent Design

"C.S. Lewis and Intelligent Design" is the third of three short documentaries inspired by the book The Magician's Twin: C.S. Lewis on Science, Scientism,...

Tim Keller on The Reason for God

In The Reason for God: Belief in an Age of Skepticism Timothy Keller addresses the frequent doubts that skeptics and non-believers bring to religion....
Chick-fil-A Day

Christianity is Not a Democracy: Chewing Over Christianity And Democracy At Chick-fil-A

I’m going to skip Wednesday’s Chick fil-A Appreciation Day, not because I don’t appreciate it, but I have never gotten excited about economic boycotts...

Bishop E.W. Jackson Message to Black Christians

A short message from Bishop E.W. Jackson, Ministers Taking a Stand, to fellow black Christians about the evil being done by the Democrat party.
Does Science And Faith Agree On Life After Death?

Sunday Thoughts: Does Science And Faith Agree On Life After Death?

Does the concept of life after death exist solely in religion, or can it also be found in the mathematical fields of physics?
Artificial Intelligence is Probing the Universe

Artificial Intelligence is Probing the Universe – You Included

The late cyborg Stephen Hawking had a bad feeling about AI. Even though the paralytic depended on machines for his existence, he feared artificial...
Digital Polytheism and the Techno-Cult

Digital Polytheism and the Techno-Cult

Timothy Leary put his stamp on cyber culture long before the Internet went live in the 90’s. His landmark essay Digital Polytheism: Load and Run...